
Know-how and exporters |

Know-how and exporters |

A central role for legal management skills and economic development plays Schlüsseltechnologies. Laut Wifo schneidet Österreich im internationalen Vergleich nur mittelprächtig ab.

When “Schlüsseltechnologie” gels technologies, which are a Schlüsselrolle in terms of techniques and economic properties, are a fact. If you get a chance to make a few moves and perform higher potential for performance improvement. Uberdies can use new branches. Playing a game for state ownership and a regional role – a factor that will make geopolitical tensions and drohender Abschottungen even greater in the future. Between USA and China, Europe is becoming increasingly technologically involved.

And Österreich? That is now a group with the WiFi-Ökonomen Jürgen Janger genauer angeschaut (“Policy Brief” -Download a A list of new functions in Zukunftsfeldern – Digitalization, Production, New Materials, Biotechnology and Environment Technology – has emerged, which have been introduced in 18 technology fields. I have found the data of patent applications, exports and other possibilities, a profile of the most reich technological techniques and models in international traffic. Schließlich wurden die Ergebnisse durch Gespräche with Technology Platforms abgesichert.

Eindeuige Stärken hat Österreich demnach bij fortgeschRITen Werkstoffen bzw. Material technology, advanced production technology and environmental technology: In those countries, Austria is as strong in patents as it is in exports.

A group of technologies that fall under ‘Teilstärkenfelder’ is immersed in: Zum einen ist Österreich in der Photonik and beim Internet der Dinge technologically weit written – was sich nur eingeschränkt in Exporterfolgen niederschlägt. Zum others are products from industrial biotechnology and new energy export products – if foreign countries have a different specialist background here.

A trio of Groups combines end-to-end Schwächen: “Unterdurchschnittlich” is Österreich at Robotik, IT for Mobility and Nanotechnology; and “abgeschlagen” at Künstlicher Intelligenz, Big Data and Cybersecurity. The fact is that the technology of the patent and export data for the purchase of new technologies is their property – so it will be. B. Software is not patented.

Insgesamt gesehen lies Österreich bei Schlüsseltechnologien technological and was über dem Durchnitt of Vergleichsländern, both den Exporterfollowen aber leicht darunter. Wobei is in many cases a global player, the Forschenden show. One of the most important studies from the study is that there are many diversified Ursachen for the Schwächen company – and that it is not a problem at all, one of the Entwicklung of Schüsseltechnologie voranzokommen.

The author wrote the press release of the “Presse” and is now a Wissenschaftskommunikator at AIT.

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