
Recognizing a “Stinknase”: Four Indicators for Ozäna

Recognizing a “Stinknase”: Four Indicators for Ozäna

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Recognizing a “Stinknase”: Four Indicators for Ozäna
For all women and young people a stench nuisance is affected. An Ursache for Ozäna can be an excessive Gebouch von Nasenspray. © epd/IMAGO

Unangenehme Gerüche aus der Nase is a Zeichen for a “Stinknase”. It’s a different story. Here inherit Sie, whom Ozäna comes next.

If the “stinking” or other matters are a problem, all women and young people are involved. Influenced by an unangenehmen-smells from the nose, which were often struck by my environmental observations.

Stinknase prevent: Ursachen der Ozäna

The Ozäna is going through a development of the nasal cavity. Private doctor Dr. Jan Peter Thomas, head of the ENT clinic at the St. Elisabeth Hospital of the University of Bochum, says: “Paradoxically, a great disease of the Gefühl hospital has been struck, less good atmen zu can”. This development can be different grounds.

The first part of the picture that is the Nasenschleimhaut-zurück. The secondary form can occur during operations or illnesses. General use of nasal sprays can bring problems.

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Symptom and warning of a stinking disease

The descriptions of a stinking disease may not be good. There are often complaints about problems with eating through the nose. Dr. Thomas suggests: “Manche also reports from a diffuse head print”. Further indications can say:

  • Nose flowers
  • Shorten sound
  • Excessive horniness from the nose
  • Bildung von Krusten und Borken in der Nase

In the advanced Nasenhöhle the baking process can be carried out. These photos are one of the best things that Geruch veronwortlich is.

Diagnosis of the eye

An examination with the endoscope is the best in most cases of diagnosis. Allerdings can be a symptom of other Ursachen haben. In children there can be a foreign body in the Nase der Grund Sein. Dr. Thomas warned: “If a child appeals to a nasenloch, there is often a eführter-foremdkörper found with a stiftkappe dahinter”. There can be problems with solving problems or problems with solving problems. In manchen the fall is a bad thing. These diseases, other treatments, which cause a tumor in the nose, are removed and the nose on bacterial infections is not treated.

Treatment options

The treatment of the Ozäna concept is aimed at Nasenpflege. Nasensalben und Nasenspülungen with Salzlösungen help, Krusten aufzuweichen. An Arzt can then cause abscess and curls. Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections. Dr. Thomas Empfiehlt: “Besides infected infections, the man is best treated with antibiotics, but antibiotics are used.”

Suicide at Stinknase

There are a few important things that can make it very difficult for those affected to do themselves

  1. Nasenduschen or Salzwassernasensprays are used
  2. Take two more liters of water drinks
  3. Trockene Raumluft avoid, under the Winter
  4. Vitamin A, E and zinc are present
  5. Inhale with mineral salt solutions
  6. Salben und Ole für die Nasenpflege benutzen

If the instructions take longer, an investigation is carried out. Dieser can perform a greater number of individual actions. Before using gold-plated products with Nasensprays: No Nasenspray is available at Hilfreich. Sprays with abschwellender Wirkung can make the smelly liquid disappear. It is important that you consider the right Wahl.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not provide for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. There are no consequences for the doctor’s visit. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern would be done by a non-editorial team.