
Gesundheitsversorgung: Krankenhausgesellschaft: Klinik-Reform löst major Sorgen aus

Gesundheitsversorgung: Krankenhausgesellschaft: Klinik-Reform löst major Sorgen aus

Die Krankenhausreform von Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) loses part of the monthly debates on the existence of hospitals in Brandenburg. “I foresee huge problems in 2025,” said the managing director of the Landesrankenhausgesellschaft, Michael Jacob, of the dpa in Potsdam. The financial costs are no longer functional. “If the reform comes like this, while the moment of cabinet formation has arisen, there will be enormous problems in the area.” It is possible that the tax authorities will have to take a welfare gap on the land and the patients will have to continue shopping.

The reform of the Bund and the Länder was brought about by the government of Federal Minister of Public Health Karl Lauterbach during the Second World War. The SPD politician advocated the Donnersdag of the GLG Werner Forßmann Clinic in Eberswalde.

Lauterbach brought the reform operation out of the broader states in the Bundestag. The established plan for financing less and ensuring good quality regulations is anchored. Make sure that the Vergütung with Pau scales is used for the processing steps. Künftig solen Kliniken 60 Prozent der Gütung schon für das Vorhalten bestimmter Angebote bekommen. The financing of the financing by the Krankenkassen will lead to a definition of the ‘Leistungsgruppen’, which will lead to the Mindestvoraussetzungen.

The Krankenhausgesellschaft has never been a reform, like Jacob. The bisherigen Vorhaben are no longer for zielführend for the Kliniklandschaft in the federal state region. There is more gestaltungsspielraum for the federal states and not a single star of Korsett. «Was the Uckermark gilded, not for the Lausitz gilts or for the Verdichtungsraum Potsdam», said Jacob. «Schedule F» is not good. The states have more free hands, the clinic and more outpatient services offer help.

Viele Krankenhäuser stecken in de rotten Zahlen. Roads Defiziten schießen auch die Landkreise as Träger Millionen zu. In Brandenburg gibt es nach Angaben des Gesundheitsministeriums 54 Krankenhäuser und 66 Standorten. 1990 were 73 Krankenhäuser.

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