
Hradecky zwischen Schuldeingeständnis und Ratlosigkeit

Hradecky zwischen Schuldeingeständnis und Ratlosigkeit

Nach dem 1:1 in Bochum nahm Lukas Hradecky dies Schuld am späten Ausgleich auf sich. There must be an end to the fact that you all start, what you take into account. Everything needs to be taken care of by the Ursachenforschung as well as by the Kapitän Ratlosigkeit.

Let yourself for and at Bochumer 1:1 gab Lukas Hradecky an ungluckliche Figur ab.

Let yourself for and at Bochumer 1:1 gab Lukas Hradecky an ungluckliche Figur ab.
IMAGE/Sven Simon

Lukas Hradecky is ehrliche Haut. Leverkusens Torhüter will not die of the name if it is fragged. It is often safe during those weeks. Anyway, no matter how others do it, the more red and anti-spice it is, one of the most important things there is. Zuletzt gab es fun Unentschieden in the early years of Ligaspielen.

A power of 36 years after 1:1 at the light on hell, which is separated before the Bochumer Ausgleich-hatte, first the ball is unfounded after the half-links direction Mittellinie directly to a Bochumer-spielte and kurz darauf Koji Miyoshis Schuss aus ungünstigstem passion Shopping ließ. “Den Ball, the game is ready”, the form is the end of the routine, and after the Schuss is blocked, it is failed. I don’t know who is in charge.”

There is an admission of guilt involved that does not consist of the investigation that has been done to hang bad things in a Hradecky-fehler. The Ursachenforschung will have a diffuse character. If Hradeck makes the analysis of the analysis clear, so that the idea is that the Wurzel of the delivery costs comes from the legs.

Bayer has never had a problem, a party, in the man who was a first half of the war, with a clear explanation of the issue. “Given that we don’t live in Kiel, we don’t have to worry about it, because we don’t have enough light, because Bochum doesn’t live at all and because of that, we can have peace of mind,” said Hradecky, “but that’s true.” , da fehlen mir auch wieder die Worte. Keine Ahnung.”

“Die Bayern has left the gleichen Gegner”

The diagnosis of the Leverkusener problem all fell on Bayer-schwer. Auch Trainer The most common symptom of Bayer’s is very severe.

Auch in Bochum wasted the Meister eine Führung. Bereit’s eleven Punkte lost Leverkusen, the man himself was in Führung at night. “That’s just a matter of time when you’re a Spitzenmannschaft aus”, said Hradecky of the festival, “we’re only playing games.” And so it is that a number of companies in Bremen, near Kiel and jetzt Bochum, are isolated.

Diese Mannschaften seien “Gegner, die bright schlagen müssen”, weiß Leverkusener Torhüter, “momentan ist da der Unterschied zischen Bavarien en us. Sie haben die gleichen Gegner abgeschossen, was nicht gelungen ist. Deswegen we wer here with new Punkten Rückstand . ” In der Tat: Die Bayern Kiel (6:1), Bremen (5:0) and Bochum (5:0) got the most out of their jewels, with Bayer always being a Führung-verspielte.

Die Ursachen dafür lie, so vermutet es Hradecky, in een verlixten Gemisch. “Effektivität, Einstellung, eine Mischung von fout Sachen, dat ist veldleicht die Antwort”, it says, der auch die zum Teil schlechte Körpersprache (“Die Bringt uns nicht weiter. Das haben wir schon angesprochen”) moniert.

If all goes well, Bayer will no longer be playing 2:0 and 3:0. “Vellelicht sollten more on ein zweites Tor gehen”, see Hradecky auch diesen Aspekt, “that was of course not bad, weil weil wel weil with the Herangehensweise auch hereditary follow-up since.”

In the Summe zu fell

It is not a big problem, but man can solve a problem by a tactical or systematic solution with a single Schalterstellung that is all possible. “Wir has no self-esteem, so it wasn’t easy”, how Hradecky made sure the TV cameras caught it, but it hasn’t fallen yet in the Summe. Weil always have another problem with the negative Ausschlag-gibt.

“If we solve the problem, it is not possible to describe the situation. The fact is that with punk we can lie. And we will encounter the problems, the small problems will probably become more and be solved”, quickly by the Kapitän is sister. The Bayers problem is small. And it is the best time to go to the Geraumer Zeit. Who Hradeckys Fazit with Blick on das 2:2 against Kiel at 6. Spieltag invests: “We live in a country playpause without having an Erfolgserlebnis kurz davor. Das is een herber Schlag.”