
Auszeichnung für Imbisse in Düsseldorf

Insgesamt zehn Düsseldorfer Imbisse dürfen über een Auszeichnung des „Fatstaff“-magazines freuen. Das Magazin, the Austrian Wurzeln that has appeared as its own standard in Germany, has found a new location among the general market with its “Street Food Guide 2024”. Deutschlandweit can have access to the Auszeichnung freuen locally and in Düsseldorf an address of an Empfehlung.

100 jewels have been installed in three categories: Dem Essen (maximum 60 punks), Service (20 punks) and Ambiente (20 punks). You are more interested in some categories, so the higher the status in the rankings.

1. Pommes & Wein – Pelican fly

I am Pelican Fly liest der Fokus, wie der Name bereits verrät, auf Pommes en Wein. The money is located in the Imbisslokal on the Graf-Adolf-Platz in the various variations. It is important to read the criticism of Falstaff magazines. They wrote: “The funky Bar and Budenkonzept of Wine Celebrity Toni Askitis rüttelt the alten Imbiss ordentlich Wach.” With 96 of 100 Punkten on the first Platz in Düsseldorf.

2. Leo’s Grill, Unterbilk

An der Martinstraße in Unterbilk could be guests with Dutch and German Special Family members – almost the best in both the world. Dann is Currywurst or Frikandel, Dutch Frits and Bitterballen, aber auch Burger and Schnitzel. Other forms of criticism are: “Hotter Spot with all kinds of cozy paint finishes from the fryer.” The criticism is honored with 95 out of 100 punks. Platz zwei in front of Leo’s Grill.

3. Berliner Imbiss, Klemensplatz / Fritten Piet / Böckels Beste

On the written Platz it is precisely with the exact punktzahl (94 of 100 possible punkten) that the impression is created.

If you are in a Berliner imbiss in Kaiserswerth you would like to visit Düsseldorfers who have had the best Currywurst in the city, and you will always be able to see it. As “Cult-Imbiss with greater Fangemeinde im Herzen von Kaiserswerth” the criticism of Imbiss is addressed. It is a classic currywurst with pommes, which comes in a sauce and is a bit sweet.

The two rides Platz nimmt der Imbiss Böckels Beste on Franz-Rennefeld-Weg in front of the Obi-Markt in Unterrath ein. “Kleine Karte, big Kino. If you watch the Mahlzeit with Currywurst and Pommes, you can see the quality and leadership in jedem Detail – von der Wurstrezeptur bis zum Fritten-Finish“, write the criticism of Falstaff magazines about the Imbissbude.

Ebenfalls Platz Drei invests at the Imbiss Fritten Piet. It is a Dutch Pomme who radiates the criticism. “The food is fresh from Dutch art, made and served by L bis XXL so they are hungry,” he said. And yet more criticism on the criticism: “Dazu gibt’s Currywurst, Frikandel und een Saucenspektrum der Extraklasse.” The aim is for the resulting platz.

4. Curry in Pempelfort and Frittenwerk in Bilk

On the Vierten Platz you can find more restaurants, which are 93 of 100 places to visit. The Curry-Imbiss magazine in Pempelfort is described as “Currywurst-Pommes-Institution with smaller Burger-Karte”. Be sure to check out “the very tasty sauces – very fruity, very spicy, very spicy.”

Auch the Frittenwerk, located directly at the Bilker S-Bahnhof, was approved. They were served with Pommes Frites with different toppings: “Eine köstliche Schweinerei in verschiedenen, as well as vegan variations.”

5. Schweine Janes, Altstadt

For the Imbiss-Klassiker presentations, the Kritiker is on the Schweine Janes in the Altstadt. “The legendary restaurant in the old town is also available in gigantomanischen Ausmaßen,” he said. Für Haxe, Leberkäse, Schnitzel und Braten vergibt das Magazin insgesamt 92 Punkte.

6. Schnitzelhaus am Oberbilker Markt

Emphehlenswert ist laut der Kritiker auch das Schnitzelhaus am Oberbilker Markt (Kölner Straße 188). Lobted were “fresh panierte Schnitzel, crispy Bratkartoffeln, Cordon bleu and Currywurst in large portions”. Insgesamt kommt der Imbiss auf 90 von 100 Punkten and invests sommit stadtweit Platz sechs.

7. Luxor Grill in Unterrath

Many people and people from the neighboring city can enjoy the Luxor Grill, some of which are the best, a local institution. The criticism of the Falstaff magazines has been published in 87 places in the Imbiss. It is a “guten Tagen die beste Grillhähnchen der Stadt, außerdem Schaschlik, Chicken Nuggets, Hühnerfrikassee und Geflügelfrikadellen satt”. The empire for the siebten Platz in Düsseldorf.