
Der Sport-Tag: NFL in Munich sees more than 1.4 million Zuschauende for TV

Der Sport-Tag: NFL in Munich sees more than 1.4 million Zuschauende for TV

Der Sport-Tag
NFL in Munich sees more than 1.4 Million Zuschauende for TV

Bis zu 1.42 Millions of football fans haben das NFL game takes place between Carolina Panthers and New York Giants in Munich (20:17 nV) stern Nachmittag at RTL continues. Im Schnitt costs 720,000 Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer die Free-TV-Übertragung. In der für die Vermarktung is the most relevant Soul group of 14 to 29 year old males lay there Market value at 20.8 Prozent.

I’m Vorjahr Sahen die Zahlen ahnlich aus. With 1.51 million fans hate themselves the first game in Frankfurt is the Super-Bowl-Sieger Kansas City Chiefs and the Miami Dolphins I am Fernsehen angeschaut. 1.08 million dollars were earned during the game against the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts.