
For erwarteter Kursk offensive: Ukraine endures a free hand

For erwarteter Kursk offensive: Ukraine endures a free hand

Before the Russian offensive in the Russian border area near Kursk, a Kurswechsel was conducted in the Unterstützer through the Ukraine. The United States, Great Britain and Germany must have written the conclusion of American President Wolodymyr Selensky in the telegram “That is unerlässlich. You have taught our Raketen and Drohnen a few things, the less real Kampffähigkeit wird Russland haben.”

Two days after the beginning of the Russian Angriffskriegs in Ukraine, the overwhelmed offensive in Kursk began in August. If Russia were to have a few major attacks, the Frontline would certainly change little. Roads of the future Erlaubnis ihrer western Connected setzt the Ukraine bisher completely Kampfdrohnen gegen Ziele auf Russian Staatsgebiet ein.

US-Medienberichts follow the Russland im Frontgebiet Zehntausende Soldaten zufammenscholen, darunter kürzlich eingetroffene Truppen aus Nordkorea. I can only start an offensive offensive in the parts of the Race. Selensky has had his power over our Tagen, who entangles one of the 11,000 North Korean soldiers in the Russian Grenzgebiet Kursk in the Kämpfe with the Ukrainian army.

Experts have defeated a Russian offensive near Kursk. (Archive image)
Experts have defeated a Russian offensive near Kursk. (Archive image) Photo: Not mentioned/AP/dpa

Ukraine: 50,000 Russian soldiers stationed near Kursk

The Ukraine has run 50,000 Russian soldiers in the arid Front area. These and other Russian front lines cannot be deployed in the Ukrainian area. The fear of the Russian Waffenlager is based on the artillery best way of fighting, it is mache in the campfire area. The Angaben are no longer useless.

Trump power Kritiker der Ukraine-Hilfen zu Sicherheitsberater

While Germany is busy with the world, Ukraine has made a certain reduction or an end to the Hilfe in large quantities after the control in the US. US President Donald Trump has informed US President Donald Trump that he had been left hanging in the Wahlkampf – and the messages will now include key posts of national security officials with Republican Abgeordneten Mike Waltz. Waltz begins to reflect on the American unterstützung of Ukraine in the Russian Angriffskrieg.

I spent a year writing about an op-ed at Fox News reporting on Republican gains in the House general: “Congress’ Blank Checks for Ukraine Are Past.” Among other things, there is discussion that the European states cannot borrow larger amounts. While the waltz was dominated by the USA by Russia and the Druckmittel, the einschrang for the einsatz of the Ukraine was favored by American waffen.

Waltz was golden as a sharp criticism of the US-Hilfen for the Ukraine. (Archive image)
Waltz was golden as a sharp criticism of the US-Hilfen for the Ukraine. (Archive image) Photo: Ted Shaffrey/AP/dpa

Trump hated his Wahlkampf action, the Krieg in Ukraine had been brutal. Whoever wants to be there, it is no different. Due to the separation of US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian state power before Trump, the US military took off in the Ukrainian version, thanks to the large representatives of the Russian invasion that could be hindered.

Borrell: “Ukraine is part of the European family”

We have seen the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell at a choice in Kiev, more information about the country in question. «Wir müssen weiterhin fest an der Seite der Ukraine sthen. If you continue, it is writing on platform X. “Ukraine is part of the European family.” There is Selensky in a striking attack, the Soul of the Love of a Million Artillery Guns until the end of the years was erreicht.

Ukraine in the East under water pressure

Derweil van de pressure in de Ukraine op de Schlachtfeld: Weiteren von de Russian Truppen die in de opstukrainische region Charkiw de Zwangsevakuierung van zehn Weiteren Ortschaften angeordnet. “Der Feind beschießt our current future lives,” Governor Oleh Synjehubow began the mass in Ukrainian Fernsehen. On September 10, 6,500 people were evacuated, it was said.

The war in the 2022 season will take place in a Ukrainian combat offensive after the Monats are satisfied. In the world where the Ukrainian Truppen are growing in the region against the background of the Russian Gleitbomben, a pressure is increasing.

Weitere Evacuierung bove a Charkiw. (Archive image)
Weitere Evacuierung bove a Charkiw. (Archive image) Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

In Kurachowe in eastern Ukraine, the US forces after the Ukrainian military channels ‘Deep State’ becomes a catastrophe. The city has been happy for three whole days. In the fight against the Russian Einheiten, the post-Ukrainian army of the Versorging, the kidnapping and the einzukesseln, the military experts dealt with. The low Ukrainian Truppen in the Donezker area has been rapidly deteriorating since August.

Ukrainian Truppen dry a Rückschlag near Kurachowe. (Archive image)
Ukrainian Truppen dry a Rückschlag near Kurachowe. (Archive image) Photo: Anton Shtuka/AP/dpa

Russian troops fly in Eastern Ukraine in the Tagesverlauf 125 Angriffe on the Ukrainian Defense Line, who the Generalstab in Kiev in seinem abendlichen Low message miteilte. In the Kurachowe region, 21 Russian attacks have been reported. In Pokrowsk it has been 14 years since «intact intensity» was achieved. When these Angaben are no longer useless.

Ukraine has Drohnenabwehr aus

Ukrainian Drohnenangriffe becomes Russian Arsenal heritage. (Archive image)
Ukrainian Drohnenangriffe becomes Russian Arsenal heritage. (Archive image) Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/AP/dpa

One of its own air forces is a Russian weapon of war, which has belonged to the Ukrainian military service, while other mobile trupps are working with their accusation of Drohnen, like Selensky in the video botschaft. In a trip through the Ukrainian city, the Montagabend would have a new Russian Drohnenschwärme Luftalarm ausgelöst.