
Swiss and Co. fly slowly – what’s that?

Swiss and Co. fly slowly – what’s that?

Bald Schneckentempo in der Luft? Swiss and Co. fly slowly – that’s the basics

A new investigation into the air industry began the mass industry, one of the most important things that existed. This is a longer Flugzeiten. Is it possible to function?

The Swiss dresselt has a lot to do with the wind, which saves kerosene. Let the new Cambridge study begin with Lufthansa-Tochter.

The Swiss dresselt has a lot to do with the wind, which saves kerosene. Let the new Cambridge study begin with Lufthansa-Tochter.

Image: Christian Merz / KEYSTONE

If you are in aviation, you can ask the fragments: Wesshalb entstand eigentlich je wort Flugscham? The question remains whether the pandemic and the climate protest will disappear. In 2023, the Swiss Fluggesellschaft Swiss achieved a Rekordumsatz and Rekordgewinn. Das Wachstum at the Passagierzahl is located on the Jahr fortress.

And then: the gold-plated Luftfahrt in the discussion is a climate heater that can be considered a symbol of the most powerful industry with high emissions. Deshalb invests many airlines in their flight schedules, which goes a long way in gaining fear of dry flight regulations and higher drivers.

A new study at the University of Cambridge has worked for the industry for a while now, how its emissions can also make the German statement as quickly as possible. After all, the airlines were spoiled with 7 Prozent little Kerosin when they were given their Geschwindigkeit a 15 Prozent drosseln. Beim Bau künftiger Flugzeuge sollte dieses Ziel berücksichtigt.

Longer Atlantic flight

A night in Passenger View is longer. So if a flight through the Atlantic Ocean gives the Cambridge experts a nice minute longing. It won’t be long before Airlines’ products start selling. The Forschenden glauben are a scaffolded efficiency and flight with free flying times that can be accommodated at night.

Harry Hohmeister died in Switzerland from 2009 to 2015.

Harry Hohmeister died in Switzerland from 2009 to 2015.

Image: Christian Beutler / Keystone

The option for a geschwindigkeitsdrosselung is not new. Gerade in Zeiten hoher Kerosinpreise was tested by Airlines jeweils. So in 2012, the evil Swiss chef Harry Hohmeister said in a CH Media interview: «Würden will fly slower, can save with black Sprit, but all Flugplan will take longer. It’s nighttime.” Sprich, the kerosene rechnung will never take so long, after we have made a transfer due to the longer escape routes, the reserve pulverizes during the sunken efficiency in the business.

Anyway? The Tempodrosselung was changed, said Swiss Speaker Michael Stief. Unter Berücksichtigung der paintügbaren Abfertigungszeitfenster and the Flughäfen and otherr Factors plane man alle Flüge mit dem Ziel eines optimalen and possibly niedrigen CO2-Ausstosses. Aber: «A general reduction of the Geschwindigkeit a 15 Prozent ist nicht umsetzbar, which would then be considered in a range of aviation Widerstandskurve interests, in the CO2-Ausstoss steigen würde.» Damit broaderspricht the Lufthansa-Tochter also the Cambridge-Forschenden.

Der Zweifel der Forschenden

On the basis of the planning systems and an installation of the active Wetter- and Winddata that the people of the Fluges pass – in the air of the Flugsicherung – Flughöhe and Geschwindigkeit one, a destination with a small CO2-Ausstoss zu erreichen, sagt Stief. “Reactions at the Flugplanung research will support our efforts in the field of strategic management with modern IT technology and ensure that the Treibstoffbetankung is optimized.”

Effizientere Triebwerke is a means for an important airline.

Effizientere Triebwerke is a means for an important airline.

Image: Christian Beutler / Keystone

The reduction of emissions is no longer a problem, and the Cambridge-Forschenden of the sector performs, the Umwelt emissions up to 2050 are now no longer possible. If this is no longer the case, the vision of the lancers and the large masses can be improved. Gemäss of Study trägt die Aviatik der Tijd 4 Prozent zur globalen Klimaerwärmung bei, webei 2,5 Prozent allein auf den CO2-Ausstoss zurückzuführen since.

Swiss-Sprecher Stief verweist der weil, the optimization of the kerosene consumption is no longer possible in the air. «Before starting the starting track, start with the two Triebwerk first at a certain time point, aber to the right, a beim Startlauf is ready for the signal.» The Sink and Anflug flight crew can work with the triebwerken in the learning phase, and during the Auftriebshilfen zur Landung the Cockpit Crew considers smaller, broader positions. «Nach der Landung schalten wir die zum Rollen nicht gebrauchten Triebwerke nach der Abkühlzeit aus.»

Blei an Bord für reiche Kundschaft

The Swiss government's new Kabinenausstattung is less important than the serious consequences of its long-term nonsense.

The Swiss government’s new Kabinenausstattung is less important than the serious consequences of its long-term nonsense.

Image: Swiss

Let the Swiss go through a continuous modernization process and the Einsatz nachhaltiger Flugkraftstoffe, such as the SAF, says Stief. The airline carried out this long flight of the Boeing 777 type with a flying flight. More intelligent intelligence optimizes operational engagement.

Allerdingen: When the Swiss government was no longer the first priority, said the fall of the new Cabinet, which was included in the long-term flight around 2025. Who gives CH Media the power is of the luxurious First-Class-Sitze – including seating and kühlung of XL-Fernsehbildschirm – so it is a hint of 14 A330 flights for the balance of the einbau of blue sky. The Rede weighs 1.5 tons, but the positive effects of a temporization are less good.