
Fortuna Düsseldorf: Daniel Thioune starts the Abräum-Kampf! | Sport

Fortuna Düsseldorf: Daniel Thioune starts the Abräum-Kampf! | Sport

Auf dieser Position braucht Fortuna Dusseldorf I’m allergic to a luxury problem…

So the weeks are unreliable for the team of trainer Daniel Thioune (50) – with the inner duo Tim Oberdorf (28) and Andre Hoffmann (31) who can feel like one of the best people during the welding. But guess what, both of them will be able to make two other Fortune Stars mighty strong.

Jetzt started at Fortuna der Abräum-Kampf!

Gerade roads are still not attacking attacks, it is the defensive battle for the battle in the Bundesliga. If Düsseldorf is a Bollwerkwar, it goes to Platz 1 – if the Gegentore zunahmen, it goes wieder runter von dertafellenspitze. Although Oberdorf and Hoffmann were very disappointed, but now they come with Jami Siebert (22) of the Number 1-Verteidiger der letzten Saison nach Verletzung zurück, so Jordy de Wijs (29) will end up with a bigger business.

Thioune: “It has to be dynamic, the Jungs müssen Leistung offer. Andre and Tim play orderly when the inner power in Job is orderly, when there are more playable figures. Aber Jordy de Wijs is not active, there is a beim bisher letzten Sieg (3:0 in Regensburg, d. Ed.) on the Platz. And if Jamil visits, he will live the next day and a week.”

Who are Siebert (fehlte nach Sehnen-Abriss ein halbes Jahr) and de Wijs is certainly an option, that’s how it is in the Donnerstag. We are both playing together in a Fortuna Testspiel in Belgium. If the Herausforderer-Duo besths this prize, Thioune can plötzlich in the inner merit of the quality of the Wahl, where others can improve the position of the quality. Before the trainer got bored with his Stamm-Stoppern bleiben, Siebert became a financial company for Fortuna, a man who sat on the bench on the couch.

The room stops completelyKurioser Stadion-Moment because in the game

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Quelle: BILD/DAZN/YouTube

Thioune: “We knew everything that Jamil had a fantastic Rückrunde, but also had Monate. It is a problem that a divorce is taking place. It’s a bit swingy, we’ll make an unusual Wechsel-vornehme. There is no one to say it, the Leistung-stimmt nicht. I think he was at Chancen and then Chancen nutzen. If you are in the state break, that is on January 1, when you start a new sorting in the return.”

The Trainer Entscheidung in Abräum-Kampf would be extremely tough for the Aufstiegskampf…