
So find this, your hotel zimmer with Bettwanzen-infiziert ist

So find this, your hotel zimmer with Bettwanzen-infiziert ist

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A bet that you must recognize is not so light – for everything with the overnight stay in the hotel. A flight guidance certainly provides useful tips.

Kassel – We are scratching and yoking: I spent a year at the Bettwanzen-Plage in France for Schlagzeilen. Auch in Kassel is located in the Bettwanzen-Fälle. Usually the last parasites in the package travel with. But even in Hotelzimmern the troublemaker can hide. An emergency response will be clear to you if you acknowledge an accident.

So find this, your hotel zimmer with Bettwanzen-infiziert ist
Bettwanzen can end up in the Hotelzimmer-tummeln. © Editing: Rüdiger Wölk/imago; image broker/image

Flugbegleiterin rät: Hotelzimmer and Bett immer auf Bettwanzen prüfen

This is the first, was Flugbegleiterin Hannah at her Ankunft in a Hotelzimmer Power: Das Bett auf Bettwanzen-prüfen. Staying overnight in hotels has become routine. “Immer nach Bettwanzen suchen”, is the mantra of the flight attendant in a TikTok Beitrag.

When all bed sheets and brooms are removed, the mold is suspended on the schädlinge. Auch der Lattenrost sollte nicht ausgelassen be. But Bettwanzen are often nur schwer zu acknowledge. Deshalb platziere Hannah manchmal a Stück Seife am Ende des Bettes, she paints in the video. That is why the Tierchen were “locked in”.

“It’s a matter of time before you get the chance to play the bet or the wall,” you inform the Environmental Bundesamt. Other falls would be placed on the sofa or other furniture pieces. Besides the pictures, lights and tapes, they can also be seen on the screen.

Bettwanzen often find out: That’s what you need for a stay in your hotel room

Kotspuren in Form von Zwarte Punkten sees the end of the end of a bet behind it. A winzige blutflecken on the know-it-all or clothing can be a hint to the Environmental Bundesamt. “Gapäckstücke sollten grundsätzlich beschlossen en in größtmöglicher Entfernung zum Bett aufbewahrt zijn“, heißt es dazu.

Best of the Robbery Suspects, often now a professional Schädlingsbekämpfer. Sogar Hunde können Bettwanzen aufspüren. If you are in Urlaub, you can look forward to Hotelzimmer in the fall. If there is one of the consequences of a Zimmer overnight stay, the packing bags at the Bettwanzen base ended up in the badewanne. Normally the parasites now stop digging into the wire.

„With bettwanzen ist zu spaßen“, weiß Flugbegleiterin Hannah. “If you are a bit, it is easy, the Bisse is rotten and large and you can enjoy the fresh air.” For the next hotel stay, it is also a pleasant view on and under the Matratze zu werfen. (greenhouse)