
History of the Paralympics: With Sport zurück ins Leben

History of the Paralympics: With Sport zurück ins Leben

Paralympic Games-Vorlaufer
An image and an overview: Per Speerwurf back into life

Woman in wheelchair waves spear

Full Konzentration: Die Athletin Margaret Webb tritt 1953 during the “Mandeville Stoke Games” for gelähmte in Speerwurf and

© Bridgeman Images / image images

In 1948 neurologist Ludwig Guttmann died in England from sports events for the enjoyment of life, leading to war remission. The “Stoke Mandeville Games” are one of the most important players in the integrated enterprise – and the playing of the Paralympic Games

The next Disziplin des Wettkampfs: Spearwurf. Margaret Webb has the power. If you keep the waiter informed of the hints, you clamber with the right Hand the Spear, tense the Oberarm and fix the Rasenfläche for your hour. Then Webb sits in a Rollstuhl. This is the problem.

Gebannt folgen Zuschauer Webbs Speerwurf vom Seitenrand, geauso who Ihre Kontrahenten, ebenfalls im Rollstuhl. On August 9, 1953, more Dutzend athletes and athletes in the English Aylesbury final race were confirmed: Auch wer im Rollstuhl sitzt, ist zu sporthöchstleistungen fähig – and deserves Anerkennung. The Speerwerfer in Webb and his Mitstreiter went to the Teilnehmerfeld of the “Stoke Mandeville Games”, while Wettkampf, became one of the only Paralympic Games competitions.

Ludwig Guttmann: With Sport die Lebensfreude zurückbringen

The sportveranstaltung voor gelähmte is an idea of ​​neurologist Ludwig Guttmann: 1899 in Oberschlesien in a Jewish family that was born in 1939 for the National Socialists in England. Because of the English Arzt of the British Regierung einen beonderen Auftrag: Da in Zweiten Weltkrieg die Zahl der Versehrten – especially bei the Air Force – an unguarded approach, Guttmann sollte a Special clinic for Wirbelsäulenverletzte aufbauen.

1944 The neurologist opened his station at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in the south of Aylesbury – and set up new mass tables for the treatment of Querschnittsgelähmten. War is twofold, unhappy and injured rest units, orderly Guttmann Training units and. Some patients and sufferers are planning to say: “Your muskeln became bald, so grim, that he was active in sports, and then he became fit again, a your place in the world of an emigrant.”

For Guttmann war movement there is no single treatment method – perhaps the only solution of sporting joy and self-determination, and part of the “social back processing and integration gelähmter menschen in the gesellschaft” sein, erklärte der Arzt.

Deshalb separated Guttmann in 1948 and the Krankenhaus from the “Stoke Mandeville Games” in Leben – on July 29, during the Tag, and the Olympic Games in nur knapp 80 kilometers entfernten London began. 16 Veterans und Veterinarians treat the Rollstuhl of Bogenschießen and extend the Grundstein for a Wettkampf, the Jahr for Jahr major wurde and schnell international with enormous interests.

Happy birthday, 1953, traveling in the Netherlands, Finland, Israel, France and Canada during the “International Mandeville Games”, who are now here, after Aylesbury and transformed into Wettkämpfe im Speerwerfen, Bogenschießen, Schwimmen, Tischtennis, Snooker und Dartschery ( a Mischung aus Dart und Bogenschießen).

Eröffnungszeremonie: In the statistics of 1960 "World Games of Gelähmten" Nahmen zunächst ausschließlich Rollstuhlsportlerinnen und -sportler teil, here 1964 in Tokyo. 1988 recognized as the International Olympic Committee "Paralympic Games" officially a

Eröffnungszeremonie: An de stattfindenden “Weltspielen der Gelähmten” from 1960 nahmen zunächst ausschließlich Rollstuhlsportlerinnen and -sportler teil, here 1964 in Tokyo. 1988 officially recognized as the International Olympic Committee for the Paralympics

© United Archives / image images

1960 during Guttmanns dream of an international sports event of the Olympic Games at Olympia: First the “International Stoke Mandeville Games” took place at the Australian Championships of the Olympic Summer Games, in Rome. Around 400 female and male athletes from 23 nations in eight disciplines and. The first years of human history began with twitch injuries, but from 1976 onwards also female and male athletes with amputation, spinal obstructions and other obstacles could be shared.

In the year 1988 the Olympic Committee can officially make the beginning of the “Paralympic Games”. If it is good, it is not geklärt. If Greek “para” is for “neben” – and if you want to see the Paralympics, you can view a parallel or a page with the Olympic Games that provide statistics and results.