
Laut Chinese Medizin: So mirrors the Schlafrhythmus die Gesundheit deiner Organe broader

Laut Chinese Medizin: So mirrors the Schlafrhythmus die Gesundheit deiner Organe broader

Was it a question of knowledge from TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, knowledge of the organ? Sleep expert Dr. Feld ordnet de uralten Lehren ein.

Every night when the Sleeping Time is on watch one of the best hours, it is so that you can see him. Laut der Traditionellen Chinese Medizin (TCM) can use the body no more than the signal that is sent.

Blame Daran: The Chinese organ is one of the best ways to use organ and in TCM to use any diagnostic tool.

Im Video oben: Schlafen Manner besser als Frauen? This is the gender sleep gap

Organized for Beobachtung und Documentatie

“An der Organuhr ist theoretical etwas dran”, explanation of the Schlafmediziner Dr. med. Michael Feld gegenüber FIT FOR FUN. “Never more power in the TCM-Lehre fest.”

The Chinese organization continues for years to generate documents and document healthy behavior within the human body.

If TCM focuses on all the symptoms, it says that a patient should undergo direct treatment of them.

“It comes with the fine Spüren von Akupunkturpunkten even with more TCM answers – so with the Organuhr”, weiß der Experte.

Do you want to buy the beautiful organs?

All body organs and functions are the years that they will follow a best Tages-bzw. Night time zugeordnet.

In TCM, the organ is one of the best ways to generate maximum energy – watch someone get up, send the signal to the right signals.

9-11 pm: It is the time of the three Erwärmers, the little organist, who has given TCM the energy circle program of the energy circle, which comes into the Ruhe.

Blood pressure and pulse sink, the Verdauungsorgane enters the Erholungsfase. It is a good time, a lesson, your meditation or the life of your women.

If you exert yourself and wait longer, you may experience a strong current and a sollte stress that causes stress to the tension that you have. A great deal of time can be spent on sleep and some will be avoided.

23-1 hour: Jetzt schlägt de Stunde der Gallenblase en is de Zeit zum Schlafengehen. Puls, Blutdruck and Kortisolwert sink and die Haut regenerates itself.

There was no negative impact on alcohol and alcohol consumption.

1-3 hours: In those beautiful things that give life to the body – man falls on his glass, but man will vermutlich have a problem in his or her life at that time.

Alcohol-free and alcohol-free food is a green tea to enhance the taste of the wonder.

3-5 hours: The Lunge is reactivated – if you insult the sleep, the process may fail.

If you often your own house guard at that time, you are looking for a fallout: a cigarette or an allergic reaction is a problem? There is a small fluctuation of the power of cooking by the Hustenreiz merksam.

5-7 hours: Laut Chinese Organuhr thinks that the Körper jetzt achieves and stimulates the Organismus with strengthened Kortisolausschüttung darauf ein. The fact was that the toilet was too heavy.

First thing tomorrow morning, drink a glass of lukewarm water so that your digestion can begin and the day can begin with light.

7-9 hours: It is important to consider the costs associated with the installation process. The TCM company has a light hot morning meal, zum Beispiel Porridge with Zimt and gedämpftem Obst.

The branded items come from the frühstück that stands on negative messages or comments for the lie of the track. Then the tag began and started with Kraft.

Indian: yes, Facts: no

“If organization is considered, it is wise to go to organ physiology at night,” explains Dr. Feld.

“Zum Beispiel ist es so, dass die Leber night einen erhöhten Stoffwechsel hat – also more Work as am Tag.”

The organization has given the Mediziner the right Ansätze, now that the Uhrzeiten are so strong. “So the party writing is not in reality.”

Other factors play with hindsight

“In the organization, man sees zum Beispiel as one of the things he does. If he remains stuck in reality, man wants to go in his life and his whole life.”

Yes, it is in the morning that the asthma attack is more, that the new cortisol level narrows the bronchi, if it is not suitable.

Was not forgotten were darf: In the Organuhr ist not immer direct the Organ community, under the Meridian. See also the “Leitbahnen”, which pass through the Körper.

Stress can frustrate the Schlaf

The organism can also solve a problem with a healthy problem. Of course there are other grounds, why one always waits for a good time – Dr. Feld here for all Stress and.

“The body can make itself known, it is an option to do four things,” the expert continues. “All without that, that is a basis.”

Organic greenery is not yet dissolved. Laut dem Mediziner könnten dies as follows:

  • Reflux in the fresh morning hours during rising stomachs – also sod brun.
  • The problem that Luft encounters is that the bronchi narrow.
  • Vermehrtes Schnarchen, who is in the most erschlaffen in the REM schlafphase in the morning of Muskeln.

If Sorge is like that, a man who cheats a little or has a strong Tagesmüdigkeit-gibt, the regularity that Dr. Feld now finds so schlimm.

“If your complications are in hindsight, you should always check your schlafmediziner and weld it,” think about it.

Tips for a delicious Sleep

One of the best ways to spend the night is a single line, without Dr. Feld.

  1. “Handy to put away and sail is the best from the Schlafzimmer!” It is a bluish color before the screen starts producing the Schlafhormone Melatonin. Better: A relaxed atmosphere with cozy, warm light.
  2. “If you’re generally concerned, think about whether you can get some sleep and avoid sleep if you look at the clock,” says Dr. Feld.
  3. If you have a ritual, you can use a book or a book to positively influence the einschlafen. When you start buying, it is exciting. Regular sleeping times can help ebenfalls.