
Since Sie affected? Haben Sie, in Schlaf, T-Rex-Arme

Since Sie affected? Haben Sie, in Schlaf, T-Rex-Arme

The fact is that there is a single accusation of the Schlafüber Schmerzende Arme. This phenomenon comes from the names T-Rex-Arme. Obviously, you can watch in this video. In social networks the message about the next “T-Rex-Arm”-Schlafposition has appeared. Have you gotten a hint of this unusual Haltung? As “T-Rex-Arme”, a man from the Schlafposition, while the Arme nah am Körper had been shopped since, was one of the dinosaurs. Many affected messages, tomorrow with tauben or schmerzenden Händen aufzuwachen, was auf Durchblutungsstörungen or the Muskelverkrampfungen zurückzuführen sein kann. Experts from Schlafmediziner Martin Konermann know how to stop this stress or carpal tunnel syndrome. A schlafposition with the Seitenlage, together with the Entspannungstechniken for dem Einschlafen, can help, the Beschwerden zu lindern. Auch Menschen mit neurodivergente Veranlagungen empfinden this position ort as beruhigend. Scientific support for a connection between ADHS or autism is no longer possible.