
Baden-Württemberg: BW-Newsticker am Morgen: Steinmeier stimulates Neuwahl am 23. Februar zu, Weniger Alkoholvergiftungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Baden-Württemberg: BW-Newsticker am Morgen: Steinmeier stimulates Neuwahl am 23. Februar zu, Weniger Alkoholvergiftungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

Status: 13.11.2024 06:50 Uhr

Kurz and informative – the wisdom for the morning and the tag. Aktuelle Nachrichten für Baden-Württemberg live in unserem SWR Aktuell Newsticker, heute von Patrick Seibert.

13.11.2024, 6:50 am

So heute became das Wetter in BW

Wir schauen auf das Wetter: There is a winter break with a snowfall in these years last in Baden-Württemberg nor in itself. The shape tag started with clouds falling. If it doesn’t work out, the Nachmittag can rain in Nordosten and Richtung Allgäu. The temperatures are between 3 and 7 degrees. In higher layers the temperature climbs to a maximum of 1 to 2 degrees.

It is active in the Wetter for hours or you can find it in no time SWR Aktuell app or not Wetter-Seite. The newsletter of the SWR Aktuell-Sendung von stern Abend is here:

13.11.2024, 6:42 am

Bus shoots behind Auto Treppe in Stuttgart

A bus driver in Stuttgart on the road in the Feierabend a parked car. The car can stop a Treppe security. No one would be disappointed. The bus driver is a service provider or a driver on the way to the depot. The Höhe des Schadens is not clear, so the Polizei.

Sendung am Mi., 13.11.2024 6:30 AM, SWR4 BW Studio Stuttgart

13.11.2024, 6:39 am

Small parties fordern niedrigere Zulassungshurden for Neuwahl

The previous Bundestagswahl is a logistical overhaul. Eight small parties that do that, the Zulassungshürden are ready for use. If you commit a short offense in the Federal Government and the Bundestag, you can make new decisions about the minor parties affected by it. If you are wollen of the Beispiel, then you will use the 27,000 Unterstützerunterschrifts for your Landeslisten together with more than 27,000 Unterstützerunterschrifts for your Landeslisten – the Zahl will find a solution for the processing of the time required.

Sendung am Mi., 13.11.2024 3:00 Uhr, SWR3 Nachrichten

13.11.2024, 6:36 am

Debate about directions Chancellor candidates of the SPD

After the Ampel-Aus sollen who reported on 23. Februar Neuwahlen stattfinden. SPD faction leader Rolf Mützenich has done everything he can to participate in the debate about the right Kanzler candidates. I am a ZDF member who is also a member of the SPD and is also a member of the SPD Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, son of Defense Minister Boris Pistorius as candidates wish. Ein Grummeln sei da, am Ende knowing die Partei aber, dass nur gemeinsam gewinnen könne, so Mützenich. When Olaf Scholz’s passions were answered, Mützenich replied: Da sei is fest von überzeugt.

Sendung am Mi., 13.11.2024 6:00 AM, SWR3 Nachrichten

13.11.2024, 6:31 am

More money for metal workers and metal workers in BW

The metal and electrical industries in Baden-Württemberg make more money. Whoever manages the IG-Metall-Bezirk Baden-Württemberg and the Arbeitgeberverband Südwestmetall will be a Pilotabschluss-übernehmen man in Hamburg. For the Civilians, we will be the first to receive a final payment of 600 Euro spa test in February 2025. The Tables will then be placed in the bowls on the dates of April 1st. The first study resulted in a Plus of 2.0 Prozent, the second 3.1 Prozent. Now this is one of the best ways to take a walk in your spare time. The rate ends on October 31, 2026. For the Auszubildende, an über-proportional compensation would be an amount of 140 euros, which will be issued until January 2025 gold plated. There is no single solution. Ursprünglich lautete die Kernforderung der IG Metall 7.0 Prozent mehr Geld in zwölf Monaten.

Sendung am Tue., 12.11.2024 20:00 Uhr, SWR1 BW Nachrichten

13.11.2024, 6:23 am

Trinkwasser from Lake Constance will become a teurer in 2025

More than four million people in Baden-Württemberg visit Trinkwasser on Lake Constance. It doesn’t take long before this report is not as good as the factory of the Zweckverband Bodensee-Wasserversorgung, the price for the Kubikmeter from derzeit 88 Cent to then 89.9 Cent at high altitude. The Preiserhöhung is gilded for the 183 Communes and Wasserverbands, which are part of the Zweckverband. It was noticeable that there was a bad citizen and a citizen, which separated the jewel-like work. This was the new price now paid during the feast. Jewels that started to become a year ago a few years ago, because their money would probably become a zurückerstattet.

Sendung am Tue., 12.11.2024 18:00 Uhr, SWR1 BW Nachrichten

13.11.2024, 6:12 am

Kein Gas more from 2035: Kunden aus Mannheim irritated by Ankündigung

The Annunciation duration fell of those affected around 56,000 Haushalt in Mannheim überrascht haben: 2035 the Energieversorger MVV signal Gasnetz will shut down. Was Dann? If an information exploration takes place, the human responses will be raised and exchanged in some part of the separation. The alternative is not that it was impossible to be ahead of humanity. The MVV-Vertreter painted the Notnauwkeit, from the Gasnetz auszusteigen. There is a Baustein on the way in world climate neutrality, which follows the EU and the Federal Government. The gas network became too old and the fossil Brennstoff gas was worth a CO2 price a year later. It is not nice to just ask a question: a complaint aimed at complaining, while the MVV in general is the Gasnetz abschneide and has no provision by any other unternehmen ermögliche. Other statements include the Heat Wende with the most important arguments in Frage.

Sendung am Mi., 13.11.2024 6:00 AM, SWR1 BW Nachrichten

13.11.2024, 6:08 am

Weniger Alcohol poisonings at Children and Jugendlichen

In the Notaufnahmen in Baden-Württemberg, a children’s and youth work can be treated for alcohol poisoning for 10 and 20 years. After the Krankenkasse DAK, which was robbed on the statistics of the Federal Office of Statistics, 2023 was played in the Kliniken in the Land 1,027 as young as possible komasäufer – ran a foursome littler as nor 2022, so the Krankenkasse. Auch at the Klinikum Stuttgart never man a Rückgang an Alcohol poisonings wahr. “It will last for 10 to 15 years,” said Friedrich Reichert, the leader of the Kindernotaufnahme des Olgahospitals, the clinic of the largest children’s hospital in Germany. I think you’re still a woman grooming a teenager with alcohol, so it’s never been one of two in a month.

13.11.2024, 6:05 am

Steinmeier encouraged Neuwahl on February 23

The previous Bundestagswahl can take place on February 23. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has taken charge of the group leaders of the Union and the SPD. Der Termin sei nach heutigem Stand virtual, so seine Sprecherin. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) turns 16. This month in the Bundestag he will die. Danach can officially employ Steinmeier in the Bundestag and the Neuwahl-Termin.

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann (Grüne), has made a proposal to have the Bundestagswahl plant plants, which the Federal Constitutional Court has chosen for their schützen, appear in February. Kanzler Scholz has received a coalition agreement in the Bundestag, in his will, which will continue in the Bundestag in Neuwahl in February. Other than that, the decision will be made before 2025.

Sendung am Mi., 13.11.2024 4:00 Uhr, SWR3 Nachrichten

13.11.2024, 6:03 am

It’s a great place in Baden-Württemberg

In the Messe Karlsruhe you will find heute der Strategy dialogue Automobilwirtschaft BW statt, together with Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Grüne). There is an overview for the purchase of free and open source software in the autowirtschaft, with Kretschmann, Mercedes-Benz chief Ola Källenius and the stellar Porsche chief Lutz Meschke.

I am Black Forest in the Nachmittag in the Schauinsland an old Windrad sprengt. After the production of the best investments in the “Schwester” series, which was sprinkled in September 2023, a time investment of 99 million kilowatts of green energy for the region has been achieved over the past 21 years. The new, powerful Repowering Unit has almost 9 million kilowatts of power and is more than twice as heavy as both units combined.

Heute Abend would die Stuttgarter Book Week 2024 open net. From tomorrow onwards until 1. Dezember in the House of the Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg round 150 German language report Schwerpunkte aus ihrem Verlagsprogramm. This is a personal presentation and a comprehensive veranstaltung program, which carries out lessons and discussions.

13.11.2024, 6:00 am

Good Morning!

Hello, this is a week in which the Ampel-Koalition is disabled. Jetzt steht der Termin voor de Neuwahl des Bundestags on February 23, 2025. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has drawn up the plan to achieve this. My name is Patrick Seibert and at 10 am he is busy with his activities in and for Baden-Württemberg. If you have Fragen, Wünsche, Lob or Kritik zum Newsticker, please send an email to [email protected].

Sendung am Mi., 13.11.2024 5:00 AM, Guten Morgen Baden-Württemberg, SWR1 Baden-Württemberg