
Kleine Zeitung feert 120. Geburtstag mit Matakustix-Konzert

Kleine Zeitung feert 120. Geburtstag mit Matakustix-Konzert

The Little Newspaper is 120 years old! And that will happen. On Saturday, September 14, loaded with its big Open House party in our Carinthia Stammhaus in Hasnerstraße 2 ein. A guest who is free from a few simple boats: from an exclusive concert of the Carinthia Band Matakustix, autogram studies with ice hockey stars of VSV and KAC with an Escape Room, a mini-kine and an exclusive flight during the editorial.

It is about a 11 hours with the bunten Rahmen program on the Vorplatz and in the Foyer der Kleine Zeitung. On the Vorplatz you will find two Food Trucks, a Bar-Bereich, a Photo Box with a Lesermarkt-Stand with Glücksrad, Goodiebags and 120 Sofortgewinnen and a Kinderbereich with Hüpfburg, Kinderschminken and Malecke. Neben Riesentitles and “Titelseiten to go” are free for all visitors Kaffee from Rolling Barista and free Eis von Morle, solange der Vorrat reicht. Kleine Zeitung-Clubs offer no charge for a prize and an Essen at one of the Food Trucks: a number for the Mitglieds number at our Information Stand and the Gutscheine abholen!

Here you can read information about the program

Captured in U-Boat

Außerdem is one of the most important escape room destinations. When Crew starts an infamous U-Boots with his team, using his four Mitspielern, on a far off-road see and weed are dabei in Sicherheit. If there is a force that is a blast – a torpedo triff of the fire, the technical knowledge and the boat sinks into the meeresgrund. A new situation, such as the Sauerkraut, is not more long. Now it is necessary to organize the team and set the technology in motion within 15 minutes, a smooth environment and the more economical approach as required. If the group is finished within 15 minutes, the groups can make a natural and other partnehmen.

In the Foyer you can find an exclusive meal in the Alltag and the Geschichte der Kleine Zeitung. In a Mini-Kino, in the self-chosen version of Popcorn, it is not possible to be a guest who makes an effort during the hunt for the boats. The first title page, the content of the website and the first website and app were presented.

Free concert and autogrammar

If you start at 11:30, the Bühnenprogramma will start on the Vorplatz. At 12:00 Matakustix will start live on the Bühne am Vorplatz auf. The autogrammstunde with the KAC will then be 15:00 before Ort. The exit may be free.

In the editorial room and its interesting Vorträgen auf unserer Eventtage man comes all things now after Voranmeldung. If you run out of information mode, you can get a light idea of ​​the following programs: