
Spain: Research started Suche nach Unwetter-Opfern im Mittelmeer

Spain: Research started Suche nach Unwetter-Opfern im Mittelmeer

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SpaniardResearch starts with such nach Unwetter-Opfern im Mittelmeer

The team is in Meeresboden for Valencia after the Fahrzeugen-fahnden, the fall light of the Wassermassen-mitgerissen-wurden. A Tauchroboter is a nice Hinweise love.

The Behorden-hoffen, with the help of the Forschungsschiffes weitere Todesopfer zu finden.

The Behorden-hoffen, with the help of the Forschungsschiffes weitere Todesopfer zu finden.


A Spanish forschungsschiff is such a problem with the disappearances of the transgressions that have not been carried out. The 24-year-old flight of “Ramón Margalef” is said to have reached a large distance of 36 square kilometers in a 36-meter area off the coast of the Kartière. So the vehicles became available, which were used by the Wassermassen in the Mittelmeer region.

Die Behörden hoffen, so perhaps more Todesopfer zu find. Of course, if 100 people were missing, the surrounding rooms would be clear, so there would be more than 200 people who would have to cope with the situation without more people and the loss of the environment. Viele Autos was due to go to Todesfalle, when the tsunami attack takes place on October 29.

The leader of the mission of «Ramón Margalef», the marine biologist
Pablo Carrera, treasurer, signal team became the inner leader of the police and the Rettungsdiensten with useful information. A map is virtually unacceptable for the police, a systematic mountain action during the process, a way to increase the multiple background, says er. “It is true that you die after a few days in the Heuhaufen,” Carrera explains.

Das Schiff has dismantled the Bergungseinsatz of Polizei and Soldaten. It is possible to pursue and miss such things, while the verwüsteten Ortschaften and Straßen are ausgeweitet. The Einsatzkräfte stochern mit Stöcken im Schlamm, während Spürhunde Tote in Kanälen and auf Feldern find sollen. Look at the strands that last the kiss long. Das Schiff wurde am Samstag in de Gewässern vor Valencia erwartet.

If the first thing is “Ramón Margalef”, an Abschnitt for the Albufera-Feucht area, there is a part of the washers from the Dorfern and the southern part of the city of Valencia in the Lakeside. A radio station reports on the Freitag, on the beach one of the missing from Frau aus dem Ort Pedralba is financed, and an Autostunde von der Küste is offered.

«If we can’t continue climate walking, we’ll have to wait a bit for further changes»

Spanien ist Herbstürme and occasiontlich schweres Hochwasser gewohnt. The duration, the country in the past two years of the secret past, and the record-breaking high temperatures freeze the young crossing after the Ansicht van Wissenschaftlern noch. The Spanish Wetterbehörde has received more than 30 liters of rain in the Stadt Turis in Valencia, an indoor hall of a city – a Spanish record.

“There is no herbalism from that intensive diet,” says Carrera. “We can’t continue with the climate walk, but we also need to take care of the climate change.”

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