
Automotive industry: Autobauer and Zulieferer fool around when buying software

Automotive industry: Autobauer and Zulieferer fool around when buying software

The Baden-Württemberg car manufacturer and its Zulieferer Sollen at the Nutzung of Open Source software are starting to compare. Damit ist Software Gemeint, when it comes to the rights of citizens of Lizenz and others who are entitled to the fact that they offend Quellcodes for nuts. Since the cooperation with the company has been expanded, the «Strategy Dialog Automobilwirtschaft» Baden-Württemberg in Karlsruhe is an entsprechende Erklärung among others from Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Bosch and the green land government that cannot be continued.

Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Grüne) said: Software became the kraft paper of modern cars – and he drafted this man: “There are small and small things that are suitable for those walking tours through machines.” During the financing of a central launch on e-mobil BW and special deliberations in the industry, a right-handed and sustainable development with open source software for its use. “With the commitment to support the development of open-source software, we provide concrete standards for the automotive industry in Baden-Württemberg.”

Der Wertschöpfungsanteil von Software in Fahrzeugen continues for years. Free and open source software became one of the most important sources in international law, the Ministry of State with that. This means that the standards cost you incurring and learning.

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