
China’s newer Hyperschall-Gleiter wirft Streumunition ab

China’s newer Hyperschall-Gleiter wirft Streumunition ab

China there is a new concept for one Hyperschallwaffe conceives. It’s a matter of action Gleiterder nicht itself is Geschoß ist, including Bomben and Raketen zum Zielgebiet transportiert.

Der Gleiter heißt GDF-600 and wurde op der Zhuhai air show proposed in China. If you see a model and a data sheet, the different ammunition types may vary, the GDF-600 may be useful.

Super fast in 40 Kilometers of Höhe

Der Gleiter self-made hat keinen Antrieb. There would be a rocket in the high bays. Since it’s a disconnected hat, there’s some great gear a few miles away. Danach “gleitet” er, laut de Hersteller Gara, in bis zu 40 km Höhe Direction Zielgebiet. Dort setzt is dann seine Ladung gratis.

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The GDF-600 can be separated by Waffen systems based on Hyperschall-Gleitern. You can take a look at a Sprengkop or a Wuchtmasse, one of the great kinetic energy freizusetzen.

Bewaffnet mit Raketen, Bomben und Drohnen

5 different shipments for the GDF-600 were presented at the Airshow. This sin Überschall- and Unterschall rockets, Hanging ammunition (Kamikaze-Drohnen), Aufklärungsdrohnen and Bombs. The ammunition is used, we will visit Gara de Gleiter as a “Cluster-Plattform”.

The GDF-600 is no longer sold and has developed a project to build Drohne or Flugzeug, but it is more Rockets or Bomben that are more freely offered. Man can get himself into trouble Hyperscale ammunition bezeichnen.

The loading of GDF-600 kann mixed became. At the Airshow the model of the GDF-600 loaded 6 Kamikaze-Drohnen, 6 Aufklärungsdrohnen and 13 Unterschallraketen. The Raketen can approach vehicles in the Soul Area. There are some separate analyzes of the failure analyses. The Kamikaze-Drohnen were then taken advantage of, another problem or a priority setting, such as z. B. Kampfpanzer, endgültig zu zerstören.

Reichweite und Geschwindigkeit

The Waffen and Drohnen have a grim uninteresting Reichsweit, you know they will remain largely free. The Überschall rockets are here and there 500 kilometers whit, the Unterschallraketen nur bis zu 100 km. I want the Reichsweide the Aufklärungsdrohnen, with maximum 15 kilometers. Der Gleiter itself has a Reichsweite von bis zu 600km. I am ideally aware of myself as well as a Gesamtreichweite von more als 1,000 kilometerswhen the umbrella chain became best-möglichen Zeitpunkt freesetzt.

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GDF-600 aimed at the Flug bis zu Mach 7 (8.643 km/h). Ab Mach5 sprichtman von Hyperschall. Signal Take-off weight concerns 5 tonsdies Traglast 1.2 tons. You can check out the following: continue thinking, who etwa Störsender Oder Radar-Täuschkörperone of the air forces that had a flying flight formation in front of them. They are therefore different from the art of bombs, so long as the format is correct. There are no controlled substances that can be used in this way Brandsätze Oder Bombs have – the Hypershield-Streumunition would then still be abject.

DF-17 as a possible starting platform

A scale barqueit is generated on the datenblatt. Large versions of GDF-600 can be ordered later 6,000 kilometers Reichweite has. A starting platform has not been generated. Prinzipiell can exert the shine on the rockete, which can be brought to what extent. When the ballistic missile sound is heard, the bombers are launched into the airspace and the missiles that carry the missiles are fired. Möglich was a Chinese ballistic missile DF-17who uses an Lkw-Starter.

The DF-17 was launched with the Hyperschall-Gleiter DF-ZF enjoyed. Der soll bis zu Mach 10 erreichen. After the connection of the Rakete has been made, this is the case 1,000 kilometers Reichweite. That DF-17-Rakete self-supporting hat 1,550 km Reichweite, wodurch, bei optimal Zeitpunkt des Ab Couplens, over 2,000 km Reichweite möglich sind.

DF-ZF can be used with a conventional or other nuclear reactor Sprengkopf were ordered. Der Gleiter is no longer static Ziele is made, under the US-Flugzeugträger, which covers the US Taiwan, China falls with an invasion war force.

Hyperschall-Gleiter can be used

Der Vorteil von Hyperschall-Gleitern: Durch your flight and geschwindigkeit is nur schwer with Rockets or other actives Flugabwehrmaßnahmen abzufangen. GDF-600 was able to leave the first line of the line Air security des Feindes durchbrechen. Werden über dem Zielgebiet dann z. B. Gleitbomben Abgeworfen, de ebenfalls schwierig abzufangen sind, were a kind of Nahbereichs-Luftverteidigung-feminine activities.

➤ Read more: The US Navy will use Hyperschall-Projektil Raketen and Drohnen abschießen

With GDF-600 comes the Vorteil-hinzu, dass Vale Ziele gleichzeitig engravings became possible. Based on the models used, a Waffen load of 25 Stück Raketen or Kamikaze-Drohnen was possible. Damit was able to operate a GDF-600 z.

Technical Herausforderung

Fraglich is what GDF-600 is technically umgesetzt. Beim Flug met hyperschallgeschwindigkeit great Hitze. These can be the Waffenladung beim Freisetzen-gefährden. Speziell dies Suchkopfe The Rockets and Gleitbombs must be robust, there is nothing you can do about it. Those Waffen are becoming ‘blind’ and damn useless.

The only solution is the GDF-600 for the Abwerfen seineer Ladung auf Überschallgeschwindigkeit rearunterbremst. The operation of the Flugabwehr is in a favorable location, the Gleiter abzufangen. Um these risks are reduced when you take a U-Haken flight. GDF-600 can make the last flights with Hyperschall, after which it will be overrun and then approach the Soul with signaler Waffenlast or hinten. It is not possible to fight the überraschen, the sinner Lücken in the Seiner Luftabwehr Ausnutzen.