
Bad Tölz: Information about Cannabis Konsum im Jugendalter – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

Bad Tölz: Information about Cannabis Konsum im Jugendalter – Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

Cannabis consumption is no longer illegal in Germany. Is it an idea to think creatively? With this Frage befasst sich ein Informationsabend zum Thema, the Landratsamt Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen am Montag, 18. November, veranstaltet. If you focus in a different and better way, the consequences and preventive measures will be informed.

If the legalization of cannabis for cannabis use takes place in Germany, a young Hemmschwell can get an existing business in the consumption business, which can be expanded with the Kreisbehörde. Beim Infoabend will der Bereich Jugendschutz laut Ankündigung auch einen Exkurs in de Neuerungen der Gesetzeslage geben. The Veranstaltung in the large Sitzungssaal of the Landratsamts started at 6 p.m. and lasted two hours.

Abends’s referees are prevention experts Tanja Lange and Johannes Jonić. If you hibernate, the new rules should be informed and cheated by the various savory plants. You can register by email at [email protected] möglich.