
The Cure VIII – Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

The Cure VIII – Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me

If this journey begins in the year 2019, The Cure can make a new album in his new album and my idea war, while his whole career goes through the passion. And those are beproveisen, jedes The Cure-Album ist. Then write this series is one of the transgressions of the Band and the Zeitdruck, which is fruitful

write a song with hope that the announced album will come. Now The Cure is definitely for “Songs Of A Lost World” on November 1st and will still not be home, one of the best offers. If you start during the Cure Marathon, you start with “Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me”.

As soon as the fragment after the Lieblings-Cure-Platte is as great as the Lieblingskind, where the Wahl would have fallen into my Teenager-Fanboy-Zeit, the man could make his own divorce. Nachdem – wie in de vorangegangen Besprechungen nachlesen können – alle Puzzleteile positioniert wurden, alle Geburtswehen überstanden sind, haben met hier wissermaßen that archetypal Cure album, the perfect mix, the coronation of creation. When the party is celebrated, “The Top” is neither idiosyncratic nor knee-jerk in pornographic album dream festivals and that of “The Head On The Door” but it was befallen by the Pop virus. If you like Kiss Me, the balance is founded, if you get the perfect solution and can achieve all possible results.

The poppy pieces are typical of the Hitparade, but they have never been as beautiful as Beigeschmack. It is more of a great experience, an etliche singles that are disconnected, if they end up in the joint work, everything else is as harmful. You can the Udo Lindenberg songs “Catch” and “Perfect Girl” and dance music with “Hot! Hot! Hot!”. After he had found one of the gründige spaßiges „Why Can’t I Be You?“, he got a little excited, melancholic chord, which was a little in the Dunkelheit. Wer “Just Like Heaven” for a fröhliches Liebeslied, sollte sich den Lyric nog mal anschauen, denn:

The daylight licked me into shape
I must have slept for days
And moving lips to whisper her name
I opened my eyes
And I was alone
Alone above a raging sea
Who stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep in me

While “How Beautiful You Are” was meant to be a romantic love song, it ended like this:

And that’s why I hate you
And how I understand it
That no one ever knows or loves another
Or loves another

Once the song has started, it’s a different story and a different example.

Neben de Singles gives the category “treibende, sägende Brecher” and with “The Kiss” eröffnet such a pleasure on the album. It is a good tradition, the healing of healings with epics, festive stuctochts begin and end. Treibend and sägend are for example “Torture”, “Icing Sugar” or “Shiver And Shake”. And the mute closing song “Fight”.

Man can go flat as a hypnagogic Droge a setzen, completely without substanzkonsum, then magical music with “If Only Tonight We Could Sleep”, one of the things that Schallwellen in Trance can move. Many “Snakepit” and “Like Cockatoos” have hypnotic properties.

And then still leading, deeply sad, exploding songs that the teenage girls sing out of their souls, as if Robert Smith is telepathically connected with his burning hearts: “All I want”, “One More Time” and “A thousand hours”. Robert Smiths stimulated the sentimental Leiden that was not so good and that is so bad.

Verwirrt hat mich ein Song naam “Hey You”. It is here with one of the records that is on the head of the next place, while you still do not have the opportunity to perform the other explorations. “Hey You” is just one of the few things you can do. I celebrated the party, the song on the original double LP has become a great CD version.

Who is the fastest man to put together an album, is it worth using the best songs, but still such a Guss zu sein seems? For everyone, when you know every note from memory (I can play the Wah-Wah solo from “The Kiss” in thoughts as if it were a song with auswendig gerntem text)? If you want to do a maintenance, that can not be the case. The cover is rotten and for the music that plays in the music and the form, while the work of art is influenced. “Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me” is a flat record with a non-glossy intensity. No melancholic art – a fuller camp spirit, energy and moments of happiness, ecstasy, wut and jubilation. A red Strudel, which causes a daueralarm, kreisendes Blut bis in de Fingerspitzen, flaming fire. It sucks.