
Is it the ultra-straight Hardliner Matt Gaetz Justizminister?

Is it the ultra-straight Hardliner Matt Gaetz Justizminister?

“Who a Sechsjähriger with a Loaded Revolver”: Describes thus a party college Matt Gaetz. The Hardliner wanted Trump’s Minister of Justice to become – and to no avail, but the Mandate was abolished. Whoso?

Matt Gaetz is a self-proclaimed one of the greatest Republicans

There is such a bare US Justice Department that has violated the criticism: the ultra-right Hardliner Matt Gaetz has taken the mandate of the representative of his representatives with such a stronger attitude and says that another problem in the Ethikausschuss is shortened . Gaetz runs through the radical Republikanern in Congress and is a supporter of US President Donald Trump, who gives more power to the chief positions in the Justice Ministry.

The Senate must have the personal best qualities – if he does, Trump wants to make another arrangement, bring a Gaetz and other Regierungsvertreter faster into his Amt zu. Der 42-Jährige is self-proclaimed in the owns of the signaler parts.

Untersuchung weighs “Sex Trafficking” against Matt Gaetz

With the “etwas überraschenden” mandate of the Gaetz a zügige Nachbesetzung seines Sitzes in Congress is known by the Speaker of the Repräsentantenhauses, Mike Johnson. Kritiker vermut je och other Gründe: Der Ethikausschuss hatte Gaetz ins Visier taken, that the US Justice Ministry for many years has been accepted in the ways of “Sex Trafficking” – also Human Trafficking zum Zwecke sexuellen Missbrauchs – ermittelt hatte.

The ministry has proven its guilt by all the innocent people. If you use a different product last time, you can use some medicine and make a gift. Media messages are on the Veröffentlichung eines Abschlussberichts kurz bevor. Republikanische Parteikollegen deuteten an, dass Gaetz’ Mandatsverzicht directly damit in Verbindung stehen könnte. If the Republikaner takes it into account, he will no longer volunteer in the search for woolens. The Ethikausschuss Regulations refer to a congress of Parliament.

“Wie a Sechsjähriger with a Loaded Revolver”

The appointment of the hardliners is receiving strong reactions in Washington – and the reaction to it is its own. Republican Senator Susan Collins is “shocked” by Trump’s divorce, Gaetz zum Justizminister will only be happy. “I am in my own right, that is what happened, fell Fragen bei Gaetz’ Anhörung geben wird, the Nomination will follow later,” said the radio broadcaster NPR. Her party Lisa Murkowski has heard a strong Zweifel, who has pushed Gaetz in the Senate for a best decision. “I am not in favor of a serious nomination,” the sender reportedly said, NBC.

Very interesting for this:

US President Trump argued before Congress

Nach US-Wahl
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The republican mayor Max Miller did not say anything: “We will have a better chance, with (the 2022 death of) Queen Elisabeth II. We will be there, as the Senate will be successful,” he mocked the Nachrichtenportal “Axios”. In the Nachrichtportal “Politico”, Miller says that Gaetz is “a rescuer with a loaded Revolver and a locker Finger on the Abzug” during the legislative period.

An aufwiegler like “Treiber des Wandels”?

A few Republikaner sees the personal lifestyle of the Kans op Veränderungen in the Justice Ministry. Texan Abgeordnete Ronny Jackson said that Reportern, Gaetz formed the ministry. “If you are like Treiber des Wandels wollen, then there is no one who starts selling this Rolle like Matt Gaetz,” said Jackson. A best decision by the Senate is no longer safe. The Abgeordnete Tim Burchett has been given the name “wunderbar”, warned “Axios” that Gaetz would have reached “The end of the Senate” and the best possible decision would be made.

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Gaetz is gilded as one of the radical Republikaner and glühender Anhänger Trumps. There are lehnt-reibungen and the gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe strictly een verbreitet immer wieder Verschwörungstheories. The gilded congress is like a swindler and brought itself to the Kollegen in Verruf with the help of Querschüssen.

The fragile Rückendeckung in the Senate must not become a problem for Gaetz. Trump has signaled that some of the following rules can be adjusted, one of the other Wunsch candidates that will bring faster into Amt zu. Dafür könnte is sogenannte Recess Appointments zurückgreifen. This legislative power has been determined by the American presidents in the Sitzungspausen des senates bestimmte Positionen zu setzen. The fact is that expectations are high, it is the best time for survival. More Republican senators have sent a message.

Nice Mehrheit in the Senate

Sollte Gaetz is one of the best results during the term of the mission, which for its existence consists of a handsome republican value of 53 out of 100 seats in the Senate. Now that Abweichler has found a job in his own party, all Democrats can join the fray.

The Republican Senator John Cornyn, who is considered a fair judge for the trial, is convinced that the Senate “will be responsible for the nomination of the Presidents, and that the Senate will be responsible for their judicial review.” While the fragile Ethikausschuss-Ermittlungen Gaetz play a role-play, Cornyn tells the NBC-trocken: “Nun, das könnte zur Sprache kommen.”

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