
Volmary: 9. Garden Blogger Meeting |

Volmary: 9. Garden Blogger Meeting |

Zum bereits 9. Mal en am 10. August 2024 das Garten-Blogger-Treffen von Volmary auf dem Kaldenhof in Münster statt.


Merge with Multikraft and Patzer Earth so in general 70 Content Creator in Germany and the Nachbarländern were affected since the year under the Motto ‘Garden of Elements’. In the appropriate workshops the Elements Feuer, Wasser, Erde and Luft could Blogger*innen became creative and another theme with the theme Luft hängende Moosbälle ‘Hanging Garden of Senses’, such as kokedamas, with Volmary Pflanzen kreieren. I can restore and microscopically copy the Creator DIY Deo. Aromatic works in the Workshop Feuer, at the Räucherbündel with various fresh Kräutern wurden wurden. They celebrated the Element Erde wurde über torffreie Substrate informiert and mit Pinienrinde anyway Ton experiments. So the creator of the creative element can create their own product.

The Diesjährige Challenge is a challenge that you have to die for Süßkartoffel ‘Erato Early Orange’ from Volmary. It may be that the components of a product set of the team are used, while the Pflanze as Erde and Pflanzenstärkungsmittel cause a war. For four months you can take on the challenge via social media. Soul war is such an event that the best price-performance ratio is, which is then weighed on the GBT. Ersten Platz could a Blogger with a über 1.3 kg heavy Knolle sichern.

The Veranstaltung War is not yet over Discover the Austausch von Wissen and creative ideasamong other things on occasions, Content in the maleric Kulisse des Kaldenhofs to erstellen. Especially the large sun field or the themes were reliable and serve as perfect photo lovers. Neben the program included in one of the elementary cooking elements for the relaxing guests of the guest. Here are the targeted jewelry elements in the option to make the right choice and the jewelry of the teilnehmer*innen to manage.

Content Creator-Events are intended for companies in the horticultural sector, which can offer the authentic creator and the Marke in your Umfeld-presentation. If there is interest in the garden, and buying Vertrauen, you will compensate your products in reality. It starts with marking and promoting knowledge in a natural and authentic way. It takes 9 years for Volmary to arouse interest in the theme-theme and to have the high meaning for the event on the market. At Volmary it is a fact that he is on his 10th anniversary in the coming years.