
Green Deal of the EU: “Our health” during the Podium discussion in Bad Schallerbach

Green Deal of the EU: “Our health” during the Podium discussion in Bad Schallerbach

The Austrian initiative “Our Health” is a podium discussion for the EU Green Deal in Bad Schallerbach on September 17: female and male students and interested business partners, a glimpse of experts from politics, research and economics.

BAD SCHALLERBACH. “The Initiative Our Health is a platform for discussion on all levels. Many people in sales and in the middle sector believe that criticism of the Green Deal discussion is increasing. If we have a rahmen here, one of the smartest, most economical and political ebene zu analyses”, the initiators Lukas Hader, Managing Director of the Biotech Company Multikraft and Bernhard Zauner, Physician for General Medicine and Homeopathy, revealed in the Atrium Bad Schallerbach. I am a center for both discussions that antibiotic drugs in Austria use as EU Renaturierungsgesetz.

Science and politics are discussed

Diskutiert would be one of the scientific pages with Annemarie Käsbohrer (Leitung Lebensmittelwissenschaften und Öffentliches Veterinärwesen an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien), Karl Bauer (ehemaliger Geschäftsführer des Tiergesundheitsdienst Steiermark), Michael Sulzner (BMSGPK) and Tadeus z Peter Panhof er (Professur for Komplementärmedizin an der Sigmund Freud University of Wien). The political page features Arthur Kroismayr (Landesobmann der Freiheitlichen Bauernschaft), Carina Reiter (ÖVP, Jugendsprecherin), Markus Hofer (NEOS, Finanzreferent im Vorstand), Mario Haas (SPÖ, Bereichssprecher für Landwirtschaft) and Rudi Hemetsberger (Landtagsabgeordneter und Landwirtschaftssprecher der Grünen) z Wort.

The initiator of
Photo: Our health




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