
In Slovakia, “the pressure of the EU and the UNO on the Prolife-Movement derselbe wie in Poland”

In Slovakia, “the pressure of the EU and the UNO on the Prolife-Movement derselbe wie in Poland”

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Am 5. November the Slovak Parliament adopted a resolution that Aufnahme des (angeblichen) “Rechts, unborne Kinder zu töten” in the Charta der Grundrechte der Europäische Union.

Warsaw-Bratislava ( Eine Nachricht, die es kaum in deutschsprachigen Medien schaffte: Am 5. November verabschiedete the slovakian Parliament a resolution to die on the (angeblichen) “Right, unborn children zu töten” in the Charta of the Grundrechte der European Union. Ewa Kowalewska, Ewa Kowalewska, said about the parliamentary Vorsitzende von Human Life International Polska: “The slow Pro-Life-Movement is grim. Most importantly, the European parliaments and representative nations, such as in Poland, are called upon to provide a link to the state of play. A day when we will see more.“ You can read an interview with the political Zeitschrift „Naszym Dziennikiem”, with the nachrichten portal of the Polnische Bischofskonferenz, „Opoka“berichtet. “The Slovakia is a small country and a smaller country, the faster it moves. There is an idea that the demographic criticism is überall.”

In the fight against the American presidential elections of Donald Trump with the concrete American President Ewa Kowalewska, the proliferation research is vertritt and the only war between the US and the president is the march for battle. “We are always more junior Leute, as well as in Europe, who speak, because they are successful with all the manipulations and coalitions of different left fronts.” These Lebensschützerin ermutigte: “Wir sollten mit Hoffnung darauf schauen, to whom America is capable of neo-communism.” Ihrer Einschätzung nach „wird dieser linke Druck jetzt no more so grim, if not with the USA and ihren Behörden in Verbindung wird brought.“

The navigation portal “Opoka” is financed by a foundation of the Polish Biological Association (KEP) and is conducted and operated in the form of an official church building in German language environment.

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