
Ausstellung „Horror Patriae“ Neue Galerie Graz

Ausstellung „Horror Patriae“ Neue Galerie Graz

Steirischer Herbst ’24: Ausstellung „Horror Patriae“ Neue Galerie Graz

The exhibition „Horror Patriae“ can be seen in an overview in the Kehrseite des Patriotismus in all shapes and colors and in the whole world of Geese. “Horror Patriae” includes an alternative Museum national complex and dark Fantasy. The combined work and art history of the various collections of Universalmusea Joanneum with the time of professional art and art teachers and is in more fictional Abteilungen gegliedert.

Has the museum become broader through a number of museums, as a national museum in a time when history is taking place, while the patriotic positive influence is being exerted, how would a page have disappeared?

When the problem occurs, the whole complex of the disease, the identity and the nation is protected, that the theme ‘patriotism’ is taken out of the various Blickwinkel: the most timid concept of the ‘Heimat’ is the ‘Heimattempel’ gewidmet and the hinterfraction of the national identity ätskonzepte and the most common Herkunft. The “Gallery of the Modern Views” said the political botanical architectural style, which the “Cabinett der Gipfel und Hügel” the aesthetic fascination for romanticism for the mountain theme offers. The “Directorate of Nations” and the “Station of wild Fantasies” verdeutlichen die intelligent, often racist classification and projects of other cultures. When the ‘untrue patriots’ stand on a Kammer Platz-power: Austria has for a time created a shadow of a cabinet of Artists and Artists, which makes the Heimat radically critical, quickly defending itself against a war.

Gegründet in the year 1811 as Museum der Aufklärung hatte das Joanneum, heutiges Universalmuseum Joanneum, schon damals een Bildungsfunktion and begeistert nach wie for with often Geschichte seine Besucherinnen en Besucher.