
Wetter in Wien: Kurz vor dem Wochenende lebhafter Wind und 9 Grad

Wetter in Wien: Kurz vor dem Wochenende lebhafter Wind und 9 Grad

Das Wetter would be wieder besser in der Hauptstadt. No air quality is better, but more sun rays are a Freitag that stands in the Wochenende.

WIEN. Anfang der Woche war die Luftqualität in Wien everything else as gut. While the war goes through the rough and windproof airflow, the damage to the air in another air force, after a forward inversion, which does a Deckel and the air force is silent, another and higher airflow is prevented.

Warum Apps voor schlechter Luftqualität in Wien warnen

If in the course of the temperature change the temperature changes, it is true that the air quality works well and the damage burden is slowed down, reports experts from “”.

Nebel and Sonne

Die Lage est un Freitag und un Wochenende noch besser sein. A few rain showers started on November 15, the day the weather started and the sun came to Vorschein in time. More, in exposed layers, the wind from the West and North West brings temperatures above 5 degrees, which are above 9 degrees.

Die Lage est un Freitag und un Wochenende noch besser sein. | Photo: Karol Wiśniewski/Pexels

More sunny days were spent during the week. On Samstag, November 16, it is neither in the Früh Nebel, nor is the sun in the Ganzen Hauptstadt on 10 Grad. Ein Grad warmer soll es am Sonntag, 17. November, sein.

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