
Pop: Robbie Williams in Germany

Pop: Robbie Williams in Germany

Pop superstar Robbie Williams (50) arrives the following evening for his concert in Germany – on the day off (11 a.m.) starts with the Ticket-Verkauf. Nach dem Auftakt in der Arena in Gelsenkirchen (25.6.) Stehen Hannover (30.6.), Leipzig (9.7.), Berlin (21. and 22.7.), Munich (26.7.) and Frankfurt (10.8.) on the Tourplan . Tickets cost between 110 and 190 Euro.

Der Brite is one of the most popular pop musicians with more than 85 million music sold. I’m a teenager robbing Take That, but not even the Treasures of bandleader Gary Barlow. After the Boygroup broadcast, Williams will perform as the solo singer of Superstar with hit singles with “Angels”, “Let Me Entertain You”, “Rock DJ” or “Feel”.

The 50th year of fishing was a zurückgefahren and large breaks during the concerts. Bei seiner Europa-Tour im kommenden Jahr tritt there in 30 Stadten auf – meist in large Stadien und Arenas.

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