
Eisbären-Coach Esterkamp dies in the Play-offs

Eisbären-Coach Esterkamp dies in the Play-offs

Herr Esterkamp, ​​​​as chief trainer for the summer in the Eisbären Bremerhaven, has become a chaotic whole. Everything that is needed is new: the management, the administrator, the management, the trainer team. War as a new chef a big chance or a big chance?

Steven Esterkamp: I got into a war with the job that took a risk, but I thought: it could be the beginning of a new life. One of the first steps you can take is to put everything in the right direction. We can build here with my own philosophy. It’s a miracle. It is about the Mannschaft, aber the Mitarbeiter in the Klub. There is a war in Anfang, if the man is like this, everything is a new war. If you leave the device empty, it’s fine.

After the new Zweitliga-Spielen it is Mannschaft on the foutreulichen sechsten Platz. Is the Play-off Ränge a surprise over time?

Yes, the sind configuration. If all goes well with the matches played, it will be a Play-off Platzierung camp. It’s a long time, that’s erasing. After the war began, humanity began – and we can still buy one of our other Wochenende weiterentwickeln. If you don’t have potential, you can play a lot more and play more. When the Play-off round happens, you’re supposed to think about it. The gold plating is no longer for the fans and all the games in the game, but for the player. Play basketball, you’ll win. If there is a chance, then the wool will be very bad.

Was sollte vor allem nor besser zijn? If Zuschauer würde man sagen: They fell light Ballverluste who will beim Spiel in Karlsruhe.

Aus Trainers is another of the punks. After the ball lust stops, the fact is that things are different. In Karlsruhe it is Ende 13 davon, which is neither natural nor okay. From 19, 20, or 21 dieser The turnover in a game may have dropped at some point. It can be difficult to do this.

Welche Punkte is an idea?

In the game that is natural, the man can improve. It’s a bet with the Verteidigung. If it is peculiar, it is a small Fehler in jeder Position. In the Offensive Müssen the Zusammenspiel will be more verbessern. If the ball moves, if the player moves, this is a weighty choice – and the game cannot be expressed verbally.

Both games in Kirchheim and Karlsruhe brought the manhood after the break to a complete end. Would you like to have a basic foundation for these new leisure activities in the Viertel?

If all goes well, it’s a matter of playing in the passive game. That last four was a bad day. We practiced and joined the Trainer Team. There was no war with the quadruple komplette, it was a matter of minutes. Make sure the game is controlled at those stages. It’s an uns, niece ben Gegner. Then it is in our hands, while you carry out the control on the field.

A bigger name in the Mannschaft is Routinier Adrian Breitlauch. Who is what kind of coach it is, a man who has Breitlauch on his team, if everything is different?

Adrian is the boss of my team and his. There is a schlauer player who is involved in the Mannschaft da. There can be anything we say or what woolen be. Signal Fokus lies about the Mannschaft and not about the signaler’s personal statistics. It seemed that this was not the case. There is nothing more in the game that is so heavy – if there are a few moments, the man is not visible so quickly. There are even more Spielers, there are young people with their Abendessen or Mittagessen, they have integrated the new Leute. Adrian ended his time for Mannschaft. Jeder Trainer wants to play a game – that’s what you have to do, a story you’ve done.

Ben Sonnabend steht das Nordderby at the Artland Dragons in Quakenbrück and. Dort Wurde dit Woche der Trainer gewechselt: Für de glücklosen Vince Macaulay over Pat Elzie. Want to know if your game is on the line?

Yes, it’s a different story. While playing a game, one of the most important aspects of a game can be played. Other pages are such a Trainerwechsel aber Folgen. If you want to make your game play, you can get the best out of yourself, but it is no longer the case that you have a good kraft. You can use a few other machines. If that’s the case, it won’t be much more important, it’ll be a problem now.

Ihr Center Till Isemann has followed a training program in his training and his thoughts ended a few years ago. Bisher was not obliged to do anything. Soll das bleiben?

It’s not like you can play a new game. If the rest of the framework is complete, then the staff is fine for a few parties. Aber für a long Saison brauchen wir nor einen Neuzugang. That’s tough. If you play the game so quickly, you can make the tax game more intensive. If you find one of the best games, the separation will hit you first, when the right Candidates are funded. After the next day’s play, the end of November has a short break. This time is sollten wir dafür nutzen.

Das Gespräch führte Jean-Julien Bier.

Sour person

Steven Esterkamp (43)

comb for the Saison of the Paderborn Baskets nach Bremerhaven, Wed from 2009 to 2011 bereits as Spieler active war. The American game for the College of Ohio, before the active war in Austria and Germany for a Dutzend Vereine – first as a player, now as a trainer.

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