
School in Erkner: Start-up for an “attractive” Gesamtschule — that’s the plan

School in Erkner: Start-up for an “attractive” Gesamtschule — that’s the plan

The Morus-Oberschule soll dem beachbarten Gymnasium ebenbürtig zijn. Dafür wollen die Stadt Erkner und der Landkreis koopierien. Had the debt of a Schule disappeared?


Starter course for the new Gesamtschule:

Commencement ceremony for the new School in Erkner. Was land rat Frank Steffen (l.) and Bürgermeister Henryk Pilz ahead?

Daniela Sell/Stadt Erkner

The heavy debt burden has fallen on the Hohenbinder Weg, the location of the Morus School and the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße are in poor condition. It is a more modern Schulbau and a new Dreifeldturnhalle. The best plattenbau, the current Morus-Oberschule-beherbergt and the other Turnhalle became fewer and fewer.