
Gesetzesänderung zu Secret Price Requirements of US-Pharmakonzern?

Gesetzesänderung zu Secret Price Requirements of US-Pharmakonzern?


Status: 11.10.2024 17:01 Uhr

How did the American pharmaceutical industry Eli Lilly make a billion-dollar investment in Rhineland-Palatinate, what is the Federal Government for a certain company? Der Konzern bestreitet das. Internal documents of the Health Ministry are the Suspect.

Von Markus Grill and Harald Schumann, WDR, NDR, Research Europe

Alzey in Rhineland-Palatinate, April 8. This year April: Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz started a rotten Spaten in the Sand, received the symbolic Spatenstich for a “Leuchtturm-Projekt” who said so. In the years that followed, a modern pharmaceutical work of the American company Eli Lilly was started here with a sum of 1,000 Arbeitsplätzen. “Was when the Bund was bought, a pharmacy in Germany, nor weiter zu stärken, that would happen.”

Research von WDR, NDRthe Süddeutscher Zeitung (SZ) and the investigative team “Investigate Europe” said that the Kanzler had found a gemeint. Internal sub-levels of the Ministry of Health have given the suspect, the pharmaceutical industry in Rhineland-Palatinate, a criminal sanction.

Regulation with international Auswirkungen

Konkret is one of the German pre-regulatory regulations for the pharmaceutical industry on which the European Union depends. Bislang dürfen Pharmakonzerne zunächst de Preis frei wählen, when a new drug comes on the market in Germany. First after a year of use, a Gremium from Vertretern von Ärzten, Krankenkassen and Kliniken de Wert of the new Medikamenten. If you are looking for a new product, you can use a treatment hat that allows for pharmaceutical treatment, which is often more than 50 percent. This German price is paid and the results are better than the Borders.

There are many other European countries than those entreprechend hohen Rabatt von de Pharmafirmen. Eli Lilly has now been given the opportunity to remain secretive about her life. “In most EU states, affected Rabattverhandlungen were discussed vertraulich,” Lilly explains on Anfrage. “Das sollte unserer Meinung nach für Deutschland gelten.”

Investment a Zusage knüpft?

Nach Unterlagen, die WDR, NDRSZ and Investigate Europe with the latest information information, which has made a billion-dollar investment possible, is one of the desired Secret Prizes for a new company during its term. So on August 30, 2023, Lilly was informed of an investment in the joint ministry after a meeting with Lilly-Firmenvertreter in the Rhineland-Palatinate plane. Dann has outlined the legacy of the Bundesregierung, which may have given the job a few years of power: “Eli Lilly has carried out an investment separation and the Bundesregierung sisterage, which will promote the company’s innovations.”

Schon Monate for the discussion of the Abteilungsleiters with Lilly has beraten the Kanzleramt of the theme with the Unternehmen. So the State Secretary of the Bundeskanzleramt, Jörg Kukies, Anfang 2023 wrote a dream with the chef of Eli Lilly, David Ricks, about pharmaceutical politics and the secretive Arzneimittelpreise in Deutschland. On February 16, Griff Kanzler Scholz contacts the chef and telephones chef Eli Lilly.

Pharmaconzern dementiart

In another Deedvermerk op de Ministerium zwei Monate später heißt es benfalls: “Company a single arrangement is, in particular, the Company Lilly, which has your Investitionsentscheidung in Alzey and an in Aussicht gestellten vertraulichen Erstattungsbetrag genüpft hatte. Another statement reads in Bezug auf de Geheimpreise: “The CEO of Eli Lilly can be, the BMG of the Wunsch of Eli Lilly will come.”

With the sitting out of the active confrontation, dementiart of the US-Pharmakzern, the Bundesregierung unter Druck zu haben: “Unser Unternehmen hat keiner Zeit die Investitionsentscheidung in Rheinland-Pfalz and a derartige Zusage von Seiten der Bundesregierung genüpft”. Eli Lilly is fully “concerned with the interests” of the Medizinforschungsgesetzes “daraufmerksam bemacht, dass the Health Ministry that Einführung von vertraulichen Erstattungsbeträgen positiv geprüft” habe. The separation of investments in Rhineland-Palatinate can be achieved and made possible.

Gesetz mit Geheimprizes beschloss

The health ministry itself no longer has any idea of ​​the hearing from the Acts. A spokesperson said in full: “Minister Lauterbach has not made any comment regarding Eli Lilly’s adoption of this theme. In his personal opinion, Eli Lilly’s stop cannot play a role in the development of the pharmaceutical strategy.”

Make sure that the Bundestag and the Bundesrat pay the Secret Price when the Medizinforschungsgesetzes are passed. Once it is sold, it can no longer be in Kraft paper. All experts in general stop the rules for schädlich. If you have higher prices in other European states and also in Germany, we will never know more prices at the best Arzneimitteln, nor will we ever know more, a drug or an invoice is also another advantage.

Ministeriumsmitarbeiter warning Lauterbach

Im Mai hatte Minister Karl Lauterbach Interview mit WDR, NDRSZ and Investigate Europe nor on the massive criticism of experts and the plants rewarded by the Hinweis say “the factories of my houses with the right find”. The Deeds or Ministeriums speak a different language. Demnach warned the Beamten ihren Minister, “that there will be serious problems associated with their problems.” “Gleichzeitig examines a large part of the pharmaceutical industry does not die as a central mass.” If you warn of more costs, this means that the element of the effective Arzneimittelsteuerung … is no longer canceled.

Make sure you don’t end up in the Regierungskoalitie of the Kritik an Lauterbach. The Haushaltspolitikerin und Bundestagsabgeordnete der Grünen, Paula Piechotta, von Beruf selbst Ärztin, said: “The massive reservations of the parliaments and almost all actors in the public sector will deal with the hand of now official lights documents – until the fachleuten in the ministerium are reached .”

Krankenkassen fürchten important scaffoldings

The head chef of the German Gemeinsamen Bundeschusses, French Health Minister Josef Hecken (CDU), has criticized the fact that he received the Secret Prize “an effective and good instrument for the favors of the pharmaceutical industry”. For all patients with a significant expense item: If you now buy a new drug for a secret, “the costs of up to 840 million euros are conceivable”, which the Spitzenverband der Gesetzlichen Krankenkassen (GKV) is eligible for.

We would like to provide you with more new medicines that can help you with your inner life and your Dekade “eight billions of euros and additional annual costs”, according to GVK-Arzneimittelvorstand Stefanie Stoff-Ahnis with. The Lauterbach Ministry stopped short: “The GKV-Seite befürchteten massive additional costs due to the regulations based on unsicheren Annahmen.”

Verhandlungen über Preis für Diabetes medication

The time when the pharmaceutical industry traded Eli Lilly with the Krankenkassen about the price for its new diabetes medication Mounjaro, the time period when Abnehmspritze is not possible. For diabetic patients who have the Krankenkassen, Abnehmwilling people must have their own Tasche treatments. The fact is that Lilly for her mother has an orderly Rabatt gewähren muss, weil der Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss von Kassen and the treatment of the drug in more indications, without this being an indication for its treatment.

Experts investigate that Lilly has now first created a right to a secret price with this method. The company itself will not comment. Der Vorteil was clearer: The Abnehmwilligen zahlen für ihre Spritze een high price – en erafahren nicht, who is the largest part of the Rabatt, is the Krankenkassen on the Präparat-bekommen. Make sure you don’t discount the cost of the Mounjaro.