
Globus Bellevue opens with new Food Concepts and Delicatessa

Globus Bellevue opens with new Food Concepts and Delicatessa

In the new Globus-Filiale, people are all set for gourmets.

In the new Globus-Filiale, people are all set for gourmets.


After 22 months of Umbau, the new Globus Bellevue is now open. You can also find out more about the culture of a new approach to gastronomy and delicacies.

In 2003, the Globus appeared at Zürcher Bellevue with the Werbespruch «Fast Food for the Gold Coast». 20 years ago, in January 2023, we started working on renovation work. Quickly we solved this situation – and fell into a conceivably uneasy time. The end of the years lasted the insolvency of the Signa-Gruppe, which took 50 percent of the shares. The Zukunft der Warenhäuser-war plötzlich uncertain. First in September, two months before the vegetation, which became clear, while the Thai Central Group, the Miteigentümerin war, Globus fully übernimmt.

This is the time of day when the Gebäude is a best Passantenlage immer nor eine Baustelle; the Schaufenster with Folie-überklebt, Gitterabsperrungen, rot-weisse Warnbänder and Leitkegel block the Zugang.

If man intended to start: the inner status would continue to increase when the Obergeschoss-geräumiger would come into the world. Nun öffnete der Globus Bellevue heute, am 15. November, seine Türen. On the Filiale am Zürcher Sechseläutenplatz the Fokus new ganz auf Genuss is located.

Verkostung von frühmorgens bis spatabends

Spürbar is een, sobalde man is een nicht Geschäft-betritt. I find a varied food standard for the sales mittags out there. If you prepare an unhealthy gastronomy from Italian, oriental and Asian cuisine. The Zürcher Manufaktur Poushe moves Strudel smoothly and deftly across the Theke. If you end up in the “Goldkusten-Kantine”, while the Globus takes a dip in Volksmund life, you can order the Apéro and the Austernbar and order a glass of champagne. Üppige Dessertkreationen and French Gipfeli in süssen and salzigen Variants are at Maison Desplanches, the Zürcher Ableger der Traditionsbäckerei from Geneva.

I know I have found the Globus Delicatessa. The knowledge of the kitchen has been sorted 150 times or less in the sommelier’s champagne and wine cellar. A great selection of meat and fish also available for pasta and a smaller flower market. Truffle is a native Nische. It comes from the large panettone auswahl – a new variety with mango filling from Thailand’s own new family.

Keine classical Theke mehr: Die Käsesorten were präsentiert in Wandregalen.

Keine classical Theke mehr: Die Käsesorten were präsentiert in Wandregalen.


If you are in the gastronomic sector, stand for your stature and the atmosphere is lively, come to the Laden einheitlich and in ruhigen Tonen daher. The Jung architect Jakob Sprenger has found the inner state with much Holz een more secretive Bäume and Züri-Stein ausgestattet. Damit concretet das Warenhaus am Bellevue die Verbundenheit mit seiner Stadt. Warm light and aluminum details create an elegant atmosphere.

The Ladenfläche of the worldwide network is new in second place with its three stock works: I am Obergeschoss, where the Umbau has gone through the war of the Haushaltsabteilung, because the Migros-Fitnesscenter Activ Fitness is new. If you chose the concept of the kitchen, loading a new meeting point was a big part of the time – it was sold in the Food-Hall at 7 am, Fri and Samstag until 2 am. Selbst am Sonntag is de Parterre vom Globus am Bellevue de geöffnet sein.