
Luca Gotti as Trainer von Lecce entlassen

Luca Gotti as Trainer von Lecce entlassen

When Lecce is one of the most recent developments: after the unified company helped the Empoli, Luca Gotti would have signed up. After the war ended in the next phase, the Salentinian club brought with it the letzten Telefoonplatz.

Die Mitteilung

Here is the Mitteilung des Vereins: „Der US Lecce told it, Mr. Luca Gotti was called by his office as Trainer of the first Mannschaft entbunden. We thank Herrn Gotti for the last few months with professionalism, commitment and a good deal and fun in everything.”

There are many new developments in the aftermath of the Salentinian bank in the following beautiful situation, while the journey ends in Via Del Mare.

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