
Gesamtumsatz of 134.7 million euros

Gesamtumsatz of 134.7 million euros

Boxberg. “Trotz der abgeschwächten konjunkturellen Lage konnte die Systemair GmbH einige bedeutende Erfolge im abgeschlossenen Geschäftsjahr verbuchen: A wichtiger Meilenstein was erreicht in August 2023, als der Spatenstich for the new Production Hall inheritance. This production will increase production capitalization and improve the lifespan of the standard products Boxberg stärken“ thus das Unternehmen in een Pressemitteilung.

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Darüber played a stronger representation of the Systemair-Gruppe in den Sitz in Germany in the Hallenbau. The opening of the new Halle was officially celebrated with a party in September that year. With the latest statistics in the Homeland of the Systemair-Gruppe, in Sweden, you say the GmbH in your Verbundenheit in the Swedish Wurzeln. If the Arbeitsatmosphäre in Boxberger Unternehmen is prägt with the Scandinavian Firmenkultur, but with the Mentalität and flache hierarchies. With the active company, who cares about the Fachverband Gebäude-Klima (FGK), tragedy Systemair dazu bei, dass das Lebensmittel Luft more Aufmerksamkeit erhält. In March 2024, Systemair GmbH, which will be celebrated in the future, announces the award ceremony of the “Life&Living Awards”. The TV channel ntv presented the award in Berlin.

New products

Systemair GmbH launched new products on the market, selling high-quality and energy-efficient products. In addition, the construction sizes of the living space ventilation series “Save” were extended. The next section concerns the new Axial fans AXC H and Jet fans for low garages of series AJ8 and AJR.

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A special highlight is the preparation of construction methods for the surface pressure test according to DIN EN 12101-6. Systemair is one of the first and only repairers here who offers this safe handling experience. These and other product innovations have preserved the product portfolio and strengthened the position of repairers in the market.

The Gesamtumsatz der Systemair GmbH believed in the Geschäftsjahr 2023/2024 for 134.7 Million Euro. The Anteil des Inlandsmarkts am Gesamtumsatz was 58.2 Prozent, here both 78.4 Millionen Euro entsprach. The Bereiche Brandschutz und Service, in the case of an affected company, see Glanzpunkte in the Entwicklung der GmbH. Umsatzrückgänge im western europäischen Exportmarkt must be consulted. The war all starts with the battle against the Scandinavian Raum-zuzuschreiben.

It is worth going to the 30th anniversary of Systemair GmbH. On 22. September a Day of Crimes was celebrated at Tür gebührend. The common Population will come, and the other Ereignis teilzunehmen. A wrong program for large and small companies is not possible. A highlight was the Winnspiel, while the components were a helicopter flight. The music association Umpfertal with the youth band and the big band provides a musical entertainment and a festive atmosphere. Interesting parts of the production and work processes of Systemair GmbH were carried out at companies. If you get the chance, show the kulissen and more about the future-proof technology that you use.

One of the many children’s programs ensures that the children are increasingly making costs. From Hüpfburg and Trampolinen, over the Bemalen of Taschen, is an extra children’s game with the Kindern a abwechslungsreiches and creative programs. For the leibliche Wohl of the Sportverein Windischbuch and other Caterer.

Erweiterte Fertigungskapazitäten

The new 4000 square meter production and storage hall, in the years 2024/2025, was sold and with an investment of more than 4.2 million euros in a bookstore, a stelle erhebliche Erweiterung der Produktionscapaciazität dar. “Dadurch die Systemair GmbH has opted for an efficient repairlung of high-quality products, is a better way to increase the quality of the use of products”, according to the Company. After the staff had entered the “Forschung en Detwicklung”, the innovation power became increasingly greater. Like this