
Frühstück: Eine überraschende Zutat sollte in dein Porridge

Frühstück: Eine überraschende Zutat sollte in dein Porridge

Kakao knows most things as Getränk or as Zutat von Schokolade. I really enjoyed the Kakaobohnen over a very healthy frühstück.

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Kakao originates from the South American Tropics, it is one of the most important things in West Africa. Schon before the American war was one of the beliefs of the South and Central American Ureinwohner. Seit dem 16. Jahrhundert became the bohnen in Europe and a rest in the world of Kakao-Getränk and all believed Schokolade was revered.

This leckere getränk can no longer fall, as nur schmecken. The Kakao-Bohnen are a kind of superfood, it is a little bit healthier than can be. And in combination with Haferbrei it is an extreme problem and a healthy fruit piece that suits the Tag.

So you can enjoy the fresh ingredients in Kakaobohnen

Kakao is an all-rounder, if not in good health. The experts at “” have gotten their money back, with 100 grams of magnesium and 500 milligrams of magnesium enthalten – an absolute power that works under the magnesium supplements. Magnesium is of great importance for the functioning and function of the muscles and the intestines for health.

A potassium content can contain approximately 1,500 milligrams per 100 grams. Potassium is important for the signaling of nerve and musculoskeletal systems and, regularly, blood pressure.

Auch Kalzium ist in de leckeren Bohnen enthalten, en black etwa 150 Milligramm per 100 Gramm. It is more like in the gleichen Menge Milch. Kalzium is zum Beispiel that ensures healthy Zähne and Knochen.

And this list still can’t go on. So enjoy Kakao with the milligram that makes more of the Eisen like Rindfleisch or Spinat. It is an unreal toll, which is sorted on the scale of rotten blutkörperchen. Make the flavonol in the Kakao taste better if the mixture is in the blue or green T-piece. These flavonols are the same antioxidants, which contain a different type of drug, the cholesterol level in the cholesterol level is clear, the arteries are not calcified and the risks, a decrease or a decrease in the Krebs, sink. Kakaobohnen can also get a few bomb hits, which will stop this rundum fit.

Darum solltest du rohe unverarbeitete Kakao-Bohnen used

When all the health effects of the Kakaos spirits are most prevalent, then it is one of the best results. If you combine the Kakao with Haferbrei, you will not get the perfect mix of protein, healthy carbohydrates and ballast materials. It’s all you want to know, but it’s not possible to erase anything. If you will experience the full dose of prosperity in the first half of the time, then you will definitely do this, the Kakao-Bohnen are not separated. These companies are one of the best in the nature or reform houses.

Kakao-Bohnen were rolled up and then they could make some boats. When you sit in the Vorteil you will notice that it is typically soft and impact resistant. Leader can be regarded as the degree of processing of a large part of the content of the material on the Strecke.

So be prepared to prepare Kakao-Haferbrei zu

When the Kakao-Bohnen use the bitter herb, the soft taste of the haferflocken increases a little and man can go a little further than the best of the best.

For the Zubereitung deines Power-Frühstücks vermischst du laut “” is a credible Menge Haferflocken – 200 Gramm is worth more as genius – with the identical Menge Wasser, Mandeloder Hafermilch. If it is not so good, then it is true that most people get the best possible fragrance, with the mixture of flavonol, into the organism.

On 100 Gramm Haferbrei kommen etwa zwei Esslöffel rohe zerriebene hindu and das Gemisch wander thenn über Nacht for two eight Stunden in the Kühlschrank. Tomorrow morning is the Kakao-Haferbrei strong and guarantee for a healthy life and energy-charged Start in the Tag.