
Weihnachtsmärkte im Norden starts out bare

Weihnachtsmärkte im Norden starts out bare

Vielerorts lauft der Aufbau schon: Kale öffnen auch in Schleswig-Holstein die Weihnachtsmärkte. Only in Lübeck, the first Christmas celebrations in the Nordics, loaded from November 25 to 30. This month, eleven Christmas events will end in Bummeln. Eröffnet was attended with an Andacht and the Adventsleuchten, at the Kinder with Laternen during the Altstadt-ziehen.

The area includes the traditional Christmas market around the town hall over the Kunsthandwerkermärkte in the Heiligen-Geist-Hospital and St. Petri bis in the Themenmärkten, wie dem Sternenwald auf dem Schrangen.

The insgesamt funf Weihnachtsmärkte will take place in the Landeshauptstadt on November 21. On Totensonntag (November 24) the markets are closed, which is an urban expansion. Most markets have appeared on December 23 at Asmus-Bremer-Platz since December 30.

Flensburg has a Christmas market, especially the Südermarkt, which extends throughout the entire Fußgängerzone to the Nordermarkt. On the Noordermarkt you will find the new «WinterHygge» for a better atmosphere. Other walking acts that pass gases in a wonderful Weihnachtswelt, which the Tourism Agentur Flensburger Förde miteilte.

In Neumünster there is a central Christmas market on the Großflecken, which falls on November 21. Highlights here are after a visit to the city and the travel experience for the company and society.

Christmas market in the country

Aber auch abseits der big city is in the country outside the Christmas market and Adventsaktionen you can find, who has the Tourismusagentur Schleswig-Holstein (TASH) nearby.

So etwa in Tönning: Here the 77.5 meter long and 13 meter high historic Packhaus ben Hafen is illuminated with a million lights. Think of the construction of the Guinness Book of Welt’s long Advent calendar. The main entrance of the main entrance in the main entrance is the large calendar that begins: in the inner world of the Weihnachtsereignis, costs and ranks with crafts are displayed.

The little Ort Wanderup near Flensburg traditionally walks during the first Advent week in a Weihnachtsdorf – from the Dorfplatz über die Straßen bis zu Speicherscheune and Weihnachtshalle.

Aber nicht nur Ortskerne, sonondern beisplayelsweise auch auf Gutshöfen, in Kirchen, Ställen and Wildparks gibt es Markte and Adventsveranstaltungen.

Security concepts became a success

Never before has there been an Islamic terror suspect in Elmshorn, it is for the organizers of the markets who aim for the safety of a theme. Vielerorts sichern large Sandsäcke or other Sperren die Eingänge zu den Marken. In Flensburg there are beautiful roads with beautiful views of small markets. In Neumünster, the Anschlag on the Breitscheidplatz in Berlin 2016 was installed on the Weihnachtsmarkt with the large concrete barriers in Allen.

With the equipment of the Security Concept – another with the Anzahl of the sogenannten Big Bags and the advanced technical barriers – berät the Police of the Veranstalter, who saw a Sprecherin der Stadt Lübeck. “With Blick on the active Sicherheitslage you will find the Police Directorate Lübeck in a strong Austausch with the Behörden in Landes- and Bundesbene.”

In addition to the travel-free cities of Kiel, Flensburg and Neumünster, the large Security Concepts are always active and pass the active Security Forces. When the Schutz police and the Ordnungsdienst play an important role in carrying out their work.