
Hotlabor am PSI in Villigen AG: Gefährlichste Labor wird 60 – News

Hotlabor am PSI in Villigen AG: Gefährlichste Labor wird 60 – News

Das Hotlabor at the Paul Scherrer Institute has existed in Betrieb for 60 years. Who comes to man with radioactive material?

Hotlabor heists the most successful Labor of Switzerland. This was radioactive material decomposed 60 years ago, by Brennstäbe aus Atomkraftwerken. The radioactive material is not on the Tischen, but is on the security grounds behind the glass and walls, in sogenannten heissen Zellen, sicher abgeschirmt. Who did anything about this and was it all he had done? An Einblick.

Hot labor

An adaptation of the Hotlabors for the Hotzelle. Here, hints of blue and glass can appear as the quirky scent of Zelle.

Keystone/Michael Buholzer

Das Hotlabor is found at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Villigen AG. Angefangen hat alles 1955: An dersten Atomenergie-Konferenz in Genf tauschten über tausend Forschende zwei Wochen lang aus.

Man wants to consume atomic energy ‘friedlich’, and at PSI man started to follow up the Forschung. The 1963 war was carried out by Hotlabor, and the 1964 war was carried out voluntarily by the Betrieb.

The hotlabor fruit

There are 35 Forscherinnen and Forscher hinter meterdicken Beton- en Bleiwänden. Nur über Sicherheitsschleusen en mit Schutzanzug ist das Labor beretbar. «I think it is the strongest Labor in Switzerland. Let us make it clear that the only labor that has examined the broad Brennstäbe, says Marco Streit, Leiter of the Abteilung Hotlabor at PSI

Beton and Blei against Strahlung

The thick wall is now a safe protection. Our own radioactive material is used in sogenannten heissen. They hint at 1.5 meter thick concrete walls.

Das Hotlabor heute

“In these heissen, the parts of four meter long scales over a Schleusensystem information, were dissected, smaller and for more analyzes in the smaller bleiabgeschirmten Zellen überführt,” said Marco Streit from Hotlabor. When Hotzellen sees the human through little Fenster, the trap due to Bleiglas’ cocks falls away.

Brennstäbe analyses

The material is mechanically durable. Weighing from the high Strahlung cannot use any robot arm, which is in the Medizin company. These must be excessive and enormously isolated, damn the Strahlung to hold.

It is possible to look into the company’s labor process, with the radioactive material or the casing, the Brennstäbe umgeben, während ihres Betriebs in Kernkraftwerk Damages are generally taken. Gemäss dem Eidgenössischen Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat ENSI weist a verschwindend smaller Teil von Brennstäben in Schweizer Atomkraftwerken Schäden auf.

Facts about PSI Villigen

Clap box
Box suckers

  • The Paul Scherrer Institut PSI has its origins in Aargauischen Villigen.
  • This is the largest Research Institute in Switzerland.
  • It is a large and complex company dealing with national and international end-of-sale expenses.
  • Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Zukunftstechnologien, Energie und Klima, Health Innovation und Grundlagen der Natuur.
  • There is a Grundlagenforschung-betrieben. If the product is produced on the market, it may not have been more than a year.
  • The annual budget is 460 million Swiss Francs.
  • The PSI is part of the ETH-Bereichs, the ETH Zurich and the ETH Lausanne are affiliated with the Forschungsinstituut Eawag, Empa and WSL.

For people, the inner life is hotzellen life. While the man who rules has “bought” the inner price and stirs a man. The shalb braucht is high safety forkehrungen.

Braucht is das Labor auch ohne AKW further?

The PSI discovery, the Schweizer work is no longer possible. The airflow slows down over time and needs to be done. “The Hotlabor with modern analysis methods and complex infrastructure works in Swiss wiring, a radioactive substance is safe and easy to implement,” says the Verantwortlichen.

AKW von aussen, in the background of the Rhine

Das Atomkraftwerk Leibstadt in Aargau. This is a Brennstäbe in Einsatz. It is no longer possible how long the Kernkraftwerke der Schweiz will continue to be involved.

Keystone/Alessandro della Bella

There is no question yet that the work has not been completed. The bottom line is that one of the things to do with the Schweizer Kerntechnik is bigger. “As long as the nuclear power works in Switzerland have been in operation since, a Hotlabor would have been possible – dies now in our security environment,” said Marco Streit vom PSI. If you use the AKW or the end bearing of radioactive material, the working material can help to eliminate substances.