
These parties are monitored by the Constitutional Protection Agency

These parties are monitored by the Constitutional Protection Agency

The Verfassungsbescherming has declared the AfD to the Oberverwaltungsgericht Münster as a right-wing extremist suspected case. Those Behörde hat jedoch auch other Parteien im Blick.

The Constitutional Protection can set up the AfD as a right-wing extremist mindset. As soon as the ‘Flügel’ is practiced in the Vergangenheit – as a suspicious case, or as a ‘researched extremist attack’ – and the Bekanntgabe were lawful. This has the Higher Administrative Court entschieden. It is not that the AfD has made an attack on the state protection – other parties have also been affected.

Neben der AfD: These parties were subject to Verfassungsschutz

The third way

The III. Weg is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi small party. Under the use of the NPD function, the parties were completed in the year 2013. For everything in South and East Germany, the Partei Tätig is. The Federal Office for Constitutional Protection has established a German Einfluss of Neo-Nazis and Gewaltbereitschaft in the Party.

DKP – German Communist Party

In 1968 the DKP started working for Verfassungsschutz through the Federal Office. They can also be left-wing extremist and anti-social. The Grund? If the DKP is a “revolutionary party of the working class” that professes Marxism-Leninism, it will be criticized. This part of the revolution is a revolution in business operations. Since the DKP has been consulted for more than 0.1 percent, the Wahlen is not worth 0.1 percent.

MLPD – German Marxist-Leninist Party

The Marxist-Leninist German Party (MLPD) deals with a communist petty party. From 1972 to 1982, the Communist Arbeiterbund Deutschlands (KABD) reformed. If your soul-searching is done well, the Partei vom Verfassungsschutz will be obachtet.

The homeland (former NPD)

The Heimat was formed in 1964 and is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi minor party. Bis zum Jahr 2023 won the Namen Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD). In the Bundestagswahl 1969, a relatively large number of prizes were won in the Bundestag, with 4.3 percent of the prizes. Since the 1970s, the Partei an Bedeutung lost its life. The Heimat works as a decorative effect. Given the NPD, two party conflicts were made before the Federal Constitutional Court according to Art. 21 des Grundgesetzes durchgeführt. This means that the Partei vom Verfassungsschutz is regarded as a right-wing extremist.

The Left

The Partei Die Linke stands during the founding in the year 2007 during the Beobachtung by the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection. In March 2014, the Federal Ministry of the Interior began, that the Bundestagsabgeordnete of the Partei could no longer be controlled by the Constitutional Protection.

Was this the Aufgabe des Verfassungsschutzes?

You trade with the German Internal Secret Service. Man lives within the “Frühwarnsystem der Demokratie”. It is a gibt in Deutschland das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) on 16 Landesbehörden für Verfassungsschutz. The protection of the protection measures is “the collection and protection of information, especially of personal and personal protection, navigation and recovery”.

Quellen: Tagesschau, Wikipedia