
Furtwangen: Zur 90er-Feier die befitting Hits

Furtwangen: Zur 90er-Feier die befitting Hits

Furtwangen – Seinen 90. Geburtstag feierte der Handharmonika-Club Edelweiß with an anniversary concert. Die Zahl ’90’ war is the motto for dieses Konzert in the Rohrbacher Dorfgemeinschaftshaus. The 15th music player under the Leitung of Beate Ferst is a musical offshoot in the 90s and performs his Freude van de Zuschauer one of the biggest hits of the last years.

Bei der Begrüßung freute sich Vorsitzender Markus Graf über den well besetzten Saal. There may well be harmony fans on the benachbarten Gemeinden and Vereinen who include Vikar Sandro Pröbstle, Ortsvorsteher Georg Kaiser and the Kreisvorsitzende Brigitte Sauerburger. The musical Startschuss image of the Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1990: Es erklang die Hymne der Weltmeisterschaft „Un Estate Italiana“. In a “Fernseher” the meaning of the German Weltmeistertitle would be exceeded. Besides, the Abends’ other pieces of music were a fitting motivation for the jewelery hit and the art to behold. There were strong regrets in this Konzert verschiedene film and its melody, which were believed in the Neunzigerjahren in the Kinos and bis heute sehr sin. You can hear Alan Menken’s “Be our Guest” from the film “Die Schöne und das Biest” or John Williams’ “Cantina Band” from Star Wars. There are also romantic melodies from that time when they hear Karl Wallinger’s “She’s the One”, but it is likely that they are played at a high pitch. Ebenfall’s movie theme comes from “Mission Impossible” or “Forrest Gump”.

The end of the concerts is one of the greatest influences on active and passive music, up to 70 years as an active music player for Edgar Grieshaber.

If the war with “Lemon Tree” continues, the animals in the “Fools Garden” in the Neunziger will have a bigger hit. It’s true that “Mambo No. 5” is very likely. The Abschluss des Konzertes depicts “Under the Sea” from “Arielle”. If this trip takes place in the lake, focus directly on the orchestra on a smaller blubbernder Walfisch for Heiterkeit.

Zum Ende des Konzerts is neither a Glückwünsche by Ortsvorsteher Georg Kaiser. Something has happened that is active in Ort. President Markus Graf took advantage of this opportunity to thank an Ortschaftsrat and Gemeinderat. It has never been self-explained that the furtwanger-vereine paid a sales price for its sales costs a few years ago. After the Reichlichem Applause, there is still no Zugabe with “I’d do everything for Love” by Meat Loaf from 1993. A schließlich continues in the Saal with the 90s Party.

Long tradition

The Handharmonika Club Edelweiss Rohrbach started in 1934. The president of the Vereins is Markus Graf, available at [email protected] or by telephone under the number 07724 9484688. The Stadt Furtwangen can contact the Handharmonika Verein for further Musik- und Gesangsvereine are free . Insgesamt 16 Vereine since listed on the page of the city.