
Civil allowance: Arbeitslose findet Job – nach wenigen Wochen droht die Kündigung

Civil allowance: Arbeitslose findet Job – nach wenigen Wochen droht die Kündigung

No easy time for the “Hartz und Herzlich” protagonist Jannie. The Mannheimerin had ended a job in the gastronomy after a year. So the war lasts no longer than the citizen money and the Jobcenter has disappeared. Let your health increase a little by the rechnung of your machine.

In the new series “Hartz aus Herzlich” the people from the Benz Baracken were treated by the Alltag. The protagonist Jannie sees everything else as beautiful. Ihr Rücken Power Probleme. Now roll the next Fiasko with the current Bürgergeld-Empfängerin zu.

Citizen’s allowance: Jannie enjoys good health during his or her life

For eight weeks Jannie has a job in the gastronomy. Your war is ultimately one of the most important things you can arrange and earn your own money. If you take a strong stance, you see that there is a grim backlash. After an investigation into the diagnosis: a narrowing of the Wirbelkanaals.

+++ Citizen money: Sohn zt die Schule – Eltern zahlen saftiges Bußgeld +++

For Jannie, an OP is unique. If it is not, it will take a long time before the Arbeit has fallen. Whoever is the schicksal, can call on his work college with the preparations. And that can do no harm to direct the former Bürgergeld-Empfängerin.

Citizen money: Jannie dries the Kündigung

The operator no longer has a problem with the three-faced mother. “That’s blood with the back. If I’m right, it’s not like OP can be executed. I have to look at that now”, Jannie sees in the situation of the situation. The reaction to your lectures can’t be different.

+++ Citizen money: Mutter muss zurück nach Mannheim – der Grund Kracht sprachlos +++

„Sobald du gesund rapportet bist, schmeißen die dich eh raus“, so der Mann am End der Leitung. With her dry skills, Jannie is not appreciated. Sichtlich struck said: „Jetzt bin ich wenigstens informiert. That’s a good thing.” Please be aware that it is clear that your chef will still be able to enjoy it.

More information is available here for this addition:

The new next series of „Hartz und Herzlich – Tag für Tag aus de Benz-Baracken launch until Wednesday from 6.05 PM in TV-Programm von RTL2. After the message has been sent in the Media Library at RTL+.