
A young talent in the fight: FBI has set up a huge Swatting campaign via Discord, Telegram and YouTube

A young talent in the fight: FBI has set up a huge Swatting campaign via Discord, Telegram and YouTube

    Brad "Frozen" Dennis, from the private detective, who is looking online, goes online as an ex-husband with a Discord server and infiltrate telegram groups. (Bildquelle: Konstantin Savusia/Shutterstock)
Brad “Cafrozed” Dennis, from the private investigator, who has done the latest things, goes online as an ex-husband with a Discord server and infiltrates a Telegram group. (Bildquelle: Konstantin Savusia/Shutterstock)

An 18-year-old from California, USA, who has been found guilty of committing more than 375 false bombings and attacks throughout his life. The FBI now has a digital representation of platforms with Telegram and Discord among the most used.

™Alan Winston Filion, an 18-year-old man from California, may feel guilty in more than 375 cases of false bombings and attacks in the form of so-called “Swatting” attacks on his body. When Swatting versteht man das Absetzen Falscher Notrufe, a schwer bewaffnete Police Force with SWAT Teams under the Vorwand an unedited Bedrohung and a best Ort zu schicken. Filion’s fake reports focus on obtaining debts, religious orders and high-level political press and strengthen the criminal prosecution efforts in the United States in Aufruhr.

US-Behörden said that Filion operated one of the deck names “Torswats”, which opened in August 2022 and January 2024. Seine Aktionen reinforce the vision and direct the US Secretary of Internal Security Alejandro Mayorkas and US Senator Rick Scott. Dieser Fall, as one of the great falls of the Gilded Swatting, works through digital materials from platforms with Telegram, Discord and YouTube.

Private investigator Brad Dennis plays a role in Filion’s investigation, infiltrating online communities connected to Torswats and fusing information together. Dennis used the FBI’s names, IP addresses and server information to identify Filion’s identity and information.

Trotz der Verhaftung hörten de Swatting-Vorfälle im Zusammenhang with the codename “Torswats” nicht auf, en de Drohungen dauerten until November 2023 and. These cases are financed by a financial and emotional burden on many Gemeinden, and a series of Drohungen quickly costs debts in Washington 300,000 dollars (about 285,000 euros) and a waste of time.

That Urteil is against Filion is no longer a goal of the Ausmaßes and the Schwere seiner Taten who will be his jahrzehntelanger – it will take a year for jeden of the four cases of swiss Drohungen. The criminal prosecution orders can continue, all operational activities for the criminal investigation will be carried out.