
“Sexy as hell”: ZDFneoriginal-Sitcom about “two experiences” in Berlin

“Sexy as hell”: ZDFneoriginal-Sitcom about “two experiences” in Berlin

31.08.2024 by SWYRL/Luisa Paulin

Here are the next ones: Fans of big sitcoms, like “How I Met Your Mother” or “Friends”, should check out “Jugend – is kompliziert!”

It’s not that the main character didn’t come from New York in the 90s, and yet fans of sitcom hits like “How I Met Your Mother” or “Friends” have seen with that new German TV series in the future, and that the longer-published audience comes to his costs. On the side of Tim (Thomas Schubert), Cathrin (Sarah Gailer), Sophie (Eli Riccardi) and Frank (Leon Ullrich) are the sisters in “Jugend – es ist kompliziert” the heights and depths of life in Berlin in the 2020s. This is the Ganze during the service day, September 10, 9:45 p.m., on ZDFneo and Friday, September 6, in the ZDFmediathek.

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Stefan Stuckmann comes with “Jugend” unplanted weed zurück zum Fernsehen

Producer and author Stefan Stuckmann has his own remarkable political satire series “Eichwald, MdB” to his name in 2019, while Karriere is hung by Fernsehen and the Nagel. There is no possibility to write “out of Trotz” a Rohfassung of the new Sitcom, which will carry out your transfer and “greater luck” of ZDF in the production of the company.

If you know that the sitcoms are so good, then the normal lifestyle of Lebens. The main characters are young, in the Zwanzige or Dreißigern, and that is not so light, the Alltag is part of the Berlin Wohnungsmarkt, the Patriarchates, the Online Dating-Wahnsinns and the feminist Fahrradläden that are the best. Glücklicherweise goes through the production of Stefan Stuckmann, but it is right as bad, the new herausforderungen with “zweiten erwachsenwerdens” are no longer supported. The dialogue is nice and humorous, and if they become much plakativ, like Director and Creative Producer Simon Ostermann and Hannah Dörr, it is so that they “some other side of the world in the background can see”. Here it is a fact that you can really live.

A sitcom revival in Germany?

An Ambition is not lacking: The series will be a focused Sitcom revival and settle in his work Look at Studiosets, it is a gift that the man with the room can make and an iconic dinner (of course) can make, in which the friends for your dialogue match. And its functionality. The Sitcom nostalgia makes fun, where all sympathetic Darstellerinnen and Darstellers have the eher kühlen Sets with their play, are a few people. The strong ensemble founded next to the American students and WG residents Sophie heraus, played by the playwright and musician Eli Riccardi (26), who is so free, as a mother speaker ends an English play in the English language (of course with subtitles).

ZDFneo makes an exciting sitcom series, which with its eight songs in 22 minutes lasts one or more of the two evenings longer. “Youth – it’s complicated!” said Berlin in some cases, teils sehr clichéd facets (in fact, with something Psychoanalyse nach Siegmund Freud) and stop commenting on life in the characterful Großstadt nicht zurück. Before the Erwartungen get into an unmistakable style: It’s like that here it goes, genz wie in Leben, Höhen und Dufen gibt.