
Caroline Peters: I mumbled when I could say something

Caroline Peters: I mumbled when I could say something

Caroline Peters is one of the motorists who has written a book about life with a large number of written Mutters.


Schauspielerin Caroline Peters (53) has written her first book: “Ein Anderes Leben”. Eine
Autofiction – also a Mischung from Biography and Novel – in itself humorous, charming and
if you skizziert an uninterested Leben or Mutter. A tribute to a secret diva and one of the stories of a journeyman, who turned out so beautiful.

BUNTE: Op augenhöhe und jenseits der üblichen Rollenklischees. Ähnelt Hanna, die Mutter in Ihrem Buch, eigentlich Ihrer eigenen?

Caroline Peters: It was a higher price and a higher level, in the fall. One of the Eckdaten has a certain lifestyle. Geburt, Studium der Slawistik, who took the time to criticize the Krieg in his Mauerfall 1989. I can sketch a situation from real situations and then expand it even further. Those three steps in the book are all unused versions of the mirror. In Wirklichkeit it is now a Schwester, which is three Halbbrüder. It is also an official Familienchronik. It may not be the case, but your family is not bad and is individually affected. If a house is a small anecdote, family life is a big challenge.

Dann hat Ihre Mutter keine drei Studievriend underlying or geheriratet?

No, a war is a disaster. Anyway, this idea would be one of the wild ones. While it spreads all over the world, Angeben en manchmal auch lugen, an exciting and glamorous way of maching, with a long tradition. The king who waged war with me has failed in the Krieg ohne Hab en Gut, that is not with his Schicksal as a poorer Flüchtling arranged hat. Stattdessen have made great grandiose attacks on the gray, small all-tags and made the nachkriegsjahre for my family first erträglich. Auch meine Mutter was een Meisterin der Charmanten Halbwahrheit. Manchmal spüre ich, whoever he is not, when he sees that great Kraft-freisetzte in a role. I war as a kind of shy and eher beobachtende. Das genaue Gegenteil.

Caroline Peters: “First we recognize it, that means we can achieve everything, since we are free”

What about your own Mutter?

As a little child, yes. As a teenage war, it’s interesting. Leader who may have had his new age, one of the Mutter-Kind-Rolle will know the knowledge, we will start with 69 years. The war that took place in 31 years and the war lasted was noticeable. In the 20th century and during the course of the Studiums, the war is virtually not in the House. Ich glaube, this war is normal in the Meiner generation. When kids become an intensifier, Mutter goes crazy, it gets so hard. Your war will last a long time in the Krankenhaus. It’s a matter of hinges. Aber this Frage, where the war was my mother’s own, was in my Träume, which was the best and not otherwise authorized, it is not stated. When this normal situation occurs, the man going the other way will say he doesn’t want to know anymore.

Do you find it as intensive with your other uses?

Yes, and we ourselves have not done childish things, and my words have not appeared in a version that wanders into my own mumbling, with which I have so much difficulty. When I see that they are friends and everyone in Rollen, the other boats become. I’ve had more time in recent years
Mütter spielt. I am a German film or film that selects the protagonist. Most of the time they were discussed auch noch blöd. It is also interesting when women make an effort, it is a fun activity. The emerging mumbling as an art service craft, which is no longer suitable for everyone
You are more than responsible for your relationship with your family. If I want, I want to mutter that perfect flight about an unprotected private inspiration being performed? And black bis ins hohe Alter.

Wird nicht jeder irgendwieder zum Kind, sobald there the Schwelle des Elternhauses übertritt

And if you do, my book may dry up. When I look, my mother mumbles when work is being done at height, the personal attention goes to the erggründen and I find nothing more. Would you ever be able to meet each other with your family if you were able to write these alten Geschichten, Schuldzuweisungen and Urteile bestätigen? Only when we have a fact, it will all happen and no one is perfect, but it will be free.