
Would you like more information about Ralf Rangnick and ÖFB President?

Would you like more information about Ralf Rangnick and ÖFB President?

With Ralf Rangnick and the Austrian National Mannschaft we seemed to have a good relationship for a long time. After the interlude at Manchester United, the Rangnick der Mannschaft was able to pump up its Stamp, the team with teilweise football matches for the European Master and the support of the ÖFB to work at FC Bayern Munich. If sports aren’t that much fun, an atmosphere problem isn’t so much of a problem.

At the press conference after 1:1 Unentschieden, Austria’s national trainer Deutsche Kritik and Klaus Mitterdorfer, the chairman of the Austrian Fußballverbandes ÖFB, met. “I have no problems with it,” said Rangnick. There is power in Germany, it is both true that they are funksilent herrsche. “Es gab null Kontakt – zero”, concrete of 66 years.

The Grund für den Streit is a violation of the minister of the ÖFB-Geschäftsführer Bernhard Neuhold. This war will be concluded by a Präsidiumssitzung des ÖFB at the end of August. Im Rahmen one of Mitterdorfer angestoßenen Strukturreform soll Neuhold seinen Posten zum Jahresende räumen. Damit ist Rangnick has no sense at all.