
Brucknerfest-Eröffnung met Appell zu Neustart

Brucknerfest-Eröffnung met Appell zu Neustart

It takes years before the eruption of the Brucknerfestes of the same Redner in Freudiger Erwartung on the old Brucknerjahr 2024 hinges, in the 200th. Birthday of the composer is celebrated. I am Jubilee, the war that was going on, was dampened. The feeling of the Brucknerhaus intendant – Dietmar Kerschbaum is the best way to achieve compliance – and of the mayor. Klaus Luger (SPÖ) did not see the hut at the end of August, we will have Kerschbaum to stamp the hearing fragment and do this again.

Stelzer nahm die aktuelle Situation in Linz zum Anlass, un Cultural Politik von Neustart anzuregen. Years ago, with the Swiss Country and City Theater Treaty, “a must-have relationship with the business community” has been achieved, and all 2018 of the city were well-known. Now it becomes “that effort for a new start, for a new intensive treatment and an abscess and finding”. Seine Hand sei ausgestreckt, so stelzer, “machen wir wieder more gemeinsame Sache”.

The Landeshauptmann hob in the hands of all the cultural values ​​that are important for production. “Wer Kultur mag en Kultur hat, der ist nicht darauf aus, aff de others Lichtschätzend or der abwertend hindabzuschauen oder gar auf ihn zügehen, sondern the oder the other with interest anzusehen, anzuhören and zu verstehen zu versuchen.“ Auch Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka ( ÖVP ) unterstrich die Bedeutung der Kunst als Pfeiler liberaler Demokratien. These were considered “weltweit unter großem Druckstehen”, which meant that they would benefit from the freedom of communication and freedom of care. This man must entgegenstellen themselves as a Democrat.

The philosopher Lisz Hirn has defined his festivities in the art of the political sensitizer. It is an unerlässlich, “sich dissonances, therefore one another, a new perspective can be gained”, warns you against “rückschrittlichen Bewegungen, which themselves are not directed, at the bottom of a fiktiv überhöhte Verleidingenheit flüchten”. Ausgerechnet der Biedermann Bruckner has created art with the Austrian “So we have always been blessed”.

Western democrats must say that they are standing, and that they want to win the machines. ‘Algorithms and bot weapons can be used that will prompt the democrats to stop their sabotage. If you prevent, you prevent, that you buy spaces and works, in the case of another kind of zumuten and -hooren must. A couple comes to the cultural and artistic communities a key function for the part of a society.’

The Brucknerhaus-Chefetage When Intendant of the merchant manager René Esterbauer left, Vice-Mayor Karin Hörzing (SPÖ) took over as the managing city manager for the eher locker-filled public series in Großen Saal. If you are looking for an ‘view of the active operation of the company and its protection’. It became a city that gained power at the age of 12. Jänner gewählt was “here in the house of the entsprechenden Weichenstellungen vorzunehmen”, a self-esteem of the Brucknerhauses as a cultural institution to party.

Kulturstadträtin Doris Lang-Mayerhofer (ÖVP) cares for the artistic development of the Brucknerjahres: “A Gesamtjahresprogramm ist uns gelungen, who wir es seit Linz09 nicht mehr in diesem Umfang hatten”, verglich sie s with the European Kulturhaup tstadt for 15 years. “The politics also involve the inheritance of the Brucknerjahres as well as the entscheidungen für die Zukunft dieses Hauses folgen“, you will see in Hinblick auf einen inheritance orderlichen Neustart in Brucknerhaus.

Musically the celebration of the Bruckner Orchestra Linz under its chef Markus Poschner, the music of the namesakes in the Uraufführung of a work by Johannes Berauer in the sleeve of the suit. The Klassik-Festival, traditionally with the Bruckners celebration, begins on September 4 and starts on October 11 with the motto „Unendliche Weiten – Bruckners Werk als Griff nach den Sternen“. The program weight finds that the world of the first zyklische music of the Bruckner-Sinfonie makes a new beginning with the study information and the cancellation of “Nullte” – by the Originalklang-Orchester.