
This way you can enjoy yourself to the fullest

This way you can enjoy yourself to the fullest

Once you have your money, look at the reasons for existence and it is most looked at: Die Miete. I think the real estate market will last longer and think of Mal: ​​’Who is a man who still wants to sleep?’. Inflation, energy costs, interest rates and of course higher interest rates will hit the money crunch.

Besonders in the city is Wohnen teuer. If you look in the larger street of the Speckgürteln, the low price is noticeable. When saving money, you need to consider the out-of-pocket costs of your home. Let man be immersed in the height of the heights in the Monat.

In this case it is a matter of time, which will tell my story in a given situation. You can find the Antwort here:

Take a look: Schwarzer Schimmel & Co.: Do you want a Mietminderung zu?

Verhältnis zwischen Einkommen en Miete: 40er-Mietregel und 30-Prozent-Rule

There is a simple Faustformeln, which serves as an orientation. A davon is the 40er Rule. This Rule is a fact, it is true Limit a maximum of 1/40 deines Gross income ausmachen sollte. Earnings during the year 40,000 euros gross, but the average amount is 1000 euros not higher.

In order that: Schwarzer Schimmel an der Wand: So be careful before you die

Another Faust formula is the 30-Prozent-Mietrule. Here is the man davon, dass deine Miete nicht mehr as 1/3 deines monatlichen Nettolohns ausmachen sollte. If there is a net betrag here, you can use this rule auereed to circumvent the Verhältnis van Einkommen und Mietausgaben. You can get a net amount of 2200 euros, but you can pay the scheme a maximum of 733.33 euros.

In general, both rules now serve as group orientation. Letztlich est de Frage des Wohnens und de verdamn verundenen Ausgaben individuell. Many people are more willing to use their house, while the factory tower of the Wohnort, the Wohnungsgröße or the Alter der Wohnung is less important. Other people may be planning to look at a property for a bigger buck for other things they’ve done.

You can find more about Theme Savings here:

Saving 10,000 Euro: Provided 6 credits is possible

Note: The three most important Spar-Tipps

Note: Simple Spartricks in Haushalt, die du (vermutlich) nicht auf dem Schirm hast