
The new web portal of the Federal Health and Safety Reporter Stattung is online

The new web portal of the Federal Health and Safety Reporter Stattung is online

Berlin. The web portal of the general messenger stattung was opened online on November 20. The platform offers extensive information about the low Bevölkerung in Deutschland, with the Robert Koch Institut in the Mittwoch Mitteilte.

Der Fokus liegt demzufolge auf nicht-übertragbaren Erkrankungen who Diabetes mellitus, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Krebs and psychological problems. Weitere is an einflussfaktoren of health care, which provides social protection and general health care. Darüber hinaus became Rahmenbedingungen und de Versorgung Dargestellt.

Konkret can use under “Themes” the aspect “Einflussfaktoren op Gesundheit”, “Gesundheitszustand”, “Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Versorgung”, so that “Rahmenbedingungen” will be cleaned up with jewels.

Indicators AZ

The Menüpunkt “Indikatoren AZ” offers a direct entrance to 65 Krankheiten, Gesundheitsrisiken and Einflussfaktoren. On the “Publication” page you will find a message about the reporting of the Bundes, the article in the Journal of Health Monitoring and the extensive articles.

I come across the web portal on RKI-Angaben years later and use it in English to perform your search. (bar)