
Extrem häufige Peniskrebsfälle registriert – Wochenblatt

Extrem häufige Peniskrebsfälle registriert – Wochenblatt

Asuncion: Dr. Antonio Cubilla, Pathologist, Forscher und wisschaftlicher Berater, erklärte, dass Paraguay in de Ländern met der high Häufigkeit von Peniskrebsfällen weltweit gehört and a greater Prozentsatz on the Promiskuität der Paraguayer zurückzuführen sei.

Dr. Cubilla said that he did an epidemiological study for a year at the Trauma Hospital, which lasted 12 years and during his life he received patients on the basis of an epidemiological fragile fragile disease, from an expert for Viren and Krebs in the Krankenhaus durchgeführt wurde. The National Institute for Krebsfälle der Vereinigten Staaten is semi-employed by the Gestaltung der Studie.

With the study in mind of the epidemiological profile of Paraguay patients:

-Dabei acts like a patient in a different period of 60 to 80 years.

-80% of patients who attend the Schule nur bis zur sechsten Klasse.

-They live in Armut or have little wealth.

-They live in rural or rural areas.

-Oder they live in the living conditions of the rural areas, and we live in the city.

-Dabei acts like a person, who has 10 and 150 sexual partners.

Such evidence is that now that 10% of the sexual partner is of the non-German partner, the tumor has a different shape. It is clear that other states with an advanced age want a peniskrebs-if and Northern Brazil, including the government of Maranhao and San Luis.

Wochenblatt / El Nacional / Cuidate plus

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