
Living with the atomic bomb?: Environmental association BUND is committed to Transparenz bei Endlagersuche

Living with the atomic bomb?: Environmental association BUND is committed to Transparenz bei Endlagersuche

For the managed forums of the German Atomendlagers such as the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlager (BGE) fehlende Transparent I am happy with Suchverfahren vor. Take a closer look at the environmental association of the first November 2019 on the map of the environment in the unteruchten areas. The fact that the BGE has a certain part of the range is that the arid Wirtsgestein is not the Vorgaben for an Atomendlager-entspricht. Rund 44 Prozent des Bundesgebietes blieben danach in Rennen um de Endlagerstandort.

Example: BGE weiss more, if it is available

«With the new “Endlager” card, the BGE now opens up new regions. If you click on the map, the German more regional region is a great community, says Olaf Bandt, Vorsitzender of the BUND, from the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Munich. The more healthy areas prevent people in the affected regions from being able to make progress in the future.

The story of the sale is about separated beddeutung. «Transparenz voor Vertrauen und Akzeptanz. This knowledge is based on the standard values ​​of the standard wahlverfahrens. The BGE must follow the end and commit the infringements of the Bewertung der Gebiete beans, concrete Bandt.

Forum Endlagersuche in Würzburg on the Platz für Diskussionen

A diesem Freitag und Samstag wird beim 3. Forum Endlagersuche in Würzburg wieder in some formats über the Endlagersuche spoken. The soul of the Veranstaltungen is es, der interessierten Öffentlichkeit that Möglichkeit zu geben, ich aus erster Hand zu inform and be active in the Verfahren manufactures. There was cooperation with Christian Kühn, Chairman of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants (BASE) and Iris Graffunder, Chairman of the Geschäftsführung of the BGE.

As a matter of support for the recognition of the German Federal Government, smaller areas in particular in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia. The Grenz area in Swiss Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg is a gilded place for a region that makes the Stadt Ulm, together with the adjacent Landkreise, in Thuringia and in the adjacent Saxony-Anhalt, a small area in the sogenants of the Thuringian Becken.

BGE will be the first phase of end bearings at the end of 2027

The BGE will leave the first phase of end bearings at the end of 2027. I am an oberirdische erkundungenstattfinden, entscheidet with Hilfe van BGE-Expertise dann der Bundestag. The BGE website is accessible as an interactive map and has been expanded and updated. In 2050, a lower amount will be financed for 27,000 Cubic meters of high radioactives, and in more than 60 years Atomkraft will have fallen.

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