
Fußball-Bundesliga: Eberls Belastungs-Mahnung: “Nicht nur Löcher stopfen”

Fußball-Bundesliga: Eberls Belastungs-Mahnung: “Nicht nur Löcher stopfen”

Für Bayern Munich’s Sportvorstand Max Eberl must urgently reform the international Fußball Calendar. There is a creative problem to be solved, a “cousin that now stops more”, says the 51-year-old age for the years of the clubs. “Man notices that he is with the tax authorities,” said Eberl before the Bundesliga-Heimspiel of the Bayern Heute Abend (8.30 PM/DAZN) against FC Augsburg, which includes most matches and trips for the Nationalspieler.

There would not have been a single sister game in the last round. In the Champions League, the New Year’s reform will continue in early 2025. It is worth having a great experience or two games to enjoy in the Achtelfinal, with four in total.

A seasonal abschluss is given in the summer from 15. June to 13. July, the Club-Weltmeisterschaft starts with 32 months in the USA. FC Bayern and Borussia Dortmund play in the Bundesliga. The finalists end up on their jewels.

“Wir müssen uns im Fußball generell and auch greater Gedanken machen, wie wie die Terminplan kanftig aussehen”, said Eberl. It may be that “creative performance” is needed, “who man Länderspiele, Champions League, Ligabetrieb, Pokalbetrieb new structurieren muss”. Der Blick müsse aufs “Große und Ganze” was addressed, said Eberl and fragment: “Was is the Best, um Spielplan, Fernsehverträgen, nationals and internationals Wettbewerben just zu zijn?”

Kompany has a new path

Bayern coach Vincent Kompany has responded with a new response. The last part of the states of Bayern-Profis with Manuel Neuer, Thomas Müller or Leon Goretzka do not have to attend team training in Munich in the first week of the state break, but the courage is actually over time.

Kompany started with the not yet existing tax in the first year of 2025. “It is important, we will not be able to pay for it, without having to worry about it,” says the Belgian: “Wir haben am Ende der Saison auch noch die Club- Weltmeisterschaft.”

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