
Kindestötung: Hilfe often not accepted

Kindestötung: Hilfe often not accepted

Jede Tötung is a child who is sad and sad after he has acquired the knowledge that the Hilfsangebote is no longer a würden. Once you have a child, while you are watching it, you can say a word and talk after it. Trotzdem würden are often not familiar with the psychiatrist Claudia Klier, who spends his year with the theme Kindestötungen, in the “Wien heute” studio conversations.

Viele Kindestötungen were avoidable, but natural risks could be minimized. If you know that the woman with one of the many skills, has one of the most serious risks, after the birth of the experience,” so the psychiatrist. There are many couples. Gerade in Wien is a good ambulance for peripartal psychiatry. Dort würden Frauen schon in der Schwangerschaft mitbetreut, de Ambulanz bleibe auch nach der Geburt Ansprechpartner.

Psychiatrist Claudia Klier in “Wien heute”-Studiogespräch

If the conversation has started, it may be that the woman is in her child’s nach der Geburt. Weitere Themen were neither die Rolen von Familie en Ärzten nor die Angebote von „Präventionsschienen”.

Maintenance and prevention are not necessary

If you request the specials, please click on the information about Müttern as the correct factor. Because it is one of mental health literacy among women and mothers, one of the people, “that is, all mothers – potential mothers, all women, all people – eigentlich erase, if there is a problem, whatever situation, which can be dealt with, woman aber eben auch was machen kann (…), so Klier.

The affected brands are so good that it is not good, so it is that it is that it is that it has become Hilfsangebote. Or if Hilfe is on the internet, Hilfsangebote nutze. “We know, that is in the Medizin Herzinfarkte, Schlaganfälle, that has become what it has become through the prevention. And so it is that there is a huge amount of money and that – I am grateful – it is a trap of children’s stötungen, like Klier. This must happen.